Health information technology 2023 SPRING HESA 369



School for Professional Studies, CUNY *

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Health Science


Feb 20, 2024





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HESA 369 - Health Information Technology Spring 2023 Professor: Jevon M.H. Presbery e-mail: Preferred Method of Contact : e-mail Office Hours: Wednesday 9-10pm C o u r s e D e s cri p t i o n : Information systems hold great promise for improving healthcare quality and lowering skyrocketing healthcare costs. From applying best practices in information systems to challenges in health information technology (HIT), students are prepared to enter the health technology field. Topics include an introduction to HIT standards, health-related data structures, and software applications and enterprise architecture in healthcare and public health organizations. The workflow and processes embedded in the healthcare industry are discussed in depth. Considerable time is spent exposing students to emerging trends in healthcare technologies, such as scanning and imaging devices that produce data. Case studies are included to ensure that students have a broad exposure to technology in healthcare. Students gain hands- on experience with open source HIT systems. Pr e - R e q u i s i t e s : CIS 101, HIM 205 C re d i t H o u r s : 3 T e x ts a n d M at eri a ls : Required readings will be available either as links, PDFs in the course site or through the Library as e- reserves and in digital journals. Extensive use of the Curriculum Materials developed by the Office of the National Coordinator, Department of Health and Human Services is utilized in this course. Subscription to EHR Go, a simulated EHR L e a r n i n g O b j ec t i v e s At the end of this course, students are able to: Describe general functions, purposes, and benefits of health information systems in various healthcare settings; Describe the federal initiatives and other significant developments that have influenced the evolution and adoption of health information systems; Compare/contrast different types of health information systems in terms of their ability to meet the needs
of various types of healthcare enterprises; Explain how electronic health records affect patient safety, quality care, efficiency, productivity, and reporting/documentation mechanisms; Propose strategies to minimize major barriers to the adoption of electronic health records. Explain how the principles of healthcare data exchange and healthcare data standards relate to patient care, productivity, and data analysis; and Describe emerging healthcare technologies and the data that they produce; Evaluate, using case studies, the impact of the use of electronic health records on providers and patients. G r a d i n g C ri t eri a: The final grade will be based on the following categories: CATEGORY POINTS Discussion Board 140 Assignments 100 EHRGo Labs 125 Midterm 100 Final Exam 135 Total 600 G r a d i n g S c a le : Letter Grade Percentage Point Range A 93 and above 558 and above A- 90 – 92 540 – 557 B+ 87 – 89 522 – 539 B 83 – 87 498 – 521 B- 80 – 82 480 – 497 C+ 77 – 79 462 – 479 C 70 – 76 420 - 461 F Below 60 419 and below For Students with Disabilities: The City University of New York is a public university, firmly committed to making higher education accessible to students with disabilities by removing architectural barriers and providing programs and support services necessary for them to benefit from the instruction and resources of the University. If students would like to request accommodations, they should ask their doctor or diagnostic center to provide the School with documentation of their disability and specific recommendations for accommodations. The documentation must be current and should be sent four weeks in advance of the term to allow sufficient time to prepare. Documentation will be held in confidence. Once this documentation is received, the School will determine the reasonable accommodations to be provided, will issue a notification letter to the student, and will arrange for these accommodations to be
made within the context of the student’s academic program. Students may choose to discuss their disabilities with their faculty members to work out ways of meeting the specific requirements of the course. Nevertheless, official documentation is essential for accommodations to be established. ONLINE ETIQUETTE AND ANTI-HARASSMENT POLICY The University strictly prohibits the use of University online resources or facilities, including Blackboard, for the purpose of harassment of any individual or for the posting of any material that is scandalous, libelous, offensive or otherwise against the University’s policies. Please see: h tt p :// me d ia . s p s . c u n y . e d u / f ile s t or e / 8 / 4 / 9 _ d018d ae 29d76f89 / 849 _ 3 c 7d075b32 c 268 e .pdf ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES: This course adheres to the School of Professional Studies’ academic policies. See h tt p :/ / www . s p s . c u n y . e du / aca d_po lic i e s / i nd e x.h tm l . Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism and collusion in dishonest acts undermine the educational mission of the City University of New York and the students' personal and intellectual growth. Please see: h tt p :// me d ia . s p s . c u n y . e d u / f ile s t or e / 8 / 3 / 9 _ d ea 303d5822 a b91 / 839_1753 c e e 9 c 9d90 e 9 .pdf STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES If you need any additional help, please visit Student Support Services: h tt p :/ / s c u n y . e du / s t ud e n t _r e s our ce s /
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Course Outline: Week General Topic Reading/Discussions Assignments 1 1/25 -2/5 EXTENDED WEEK What is Health Informatics? Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion board: Think about the different disciplines addressed in the readings. How are the disciplines of information management, information technology, and informatics related? How do they differ? 1. Consider the types of roles and responsibilities of health informaticians. Why are health informaticians critical to a health care organization, the community, and public health? Answer these questions in a one-page paper. 2. Subscribe to EHR Go subscription. 3. Complete EHR Orientation in EHR Go. 2 2/6 -2/12 Health Information Systems Overview Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board; Think about the different types of information systems in terms of their ability to support the requirements of a health care enterprise. Pick one and discuss with your classmates how the system supports the requirements of a health care enterprise. 1. Perform an Internet search of health care organizations and locate one which is using at least two types of social media to achieve its goals. Write a two-page paper stating your findings. Each review should include a description of the organization, the types of social media used, and how they are using it. 2. Complete Documentation Standards in EHR Go. 3 2/13 – 2/19 Electronic Health Records, Part I Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board: Think about how the use of an EHR affects patient care safety, efficiency of care practices, and patient outcomes. Answer the following questions: • What are the major benefits of an electronic record to the patient, the clinician, the health care facility, and the public? • What are the major barriers to implementing an EHR in health care facilities? • What steps might be taken to promote the benefits and overcome barriers to widespread adoption of EHRs? 1. Research and identify the efforts going on in your state to further advance the adoption of EHRs. Write a two-page paper describing the results of your investigation. Include your opinion on how likely the efforts will be successful and your rationale for this conclusion. 1. 2. Complete EHR Go - The Power of the EHR
4 2/20 – 2/26 Electronic Health Records, Part II Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board: Consider the connection of EHRs to the Health Information Exchange (HIE) and the Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) initiatives. Answer the following questions: What role does the EHR play in HIE? • What is the impact of HIE and NHIN on health care delivery and the practice of health care providers? 1. EHR Go – Introductory Evaluation 2. EHR Go - Introducing HITECH and the History of EHRs. 5 2/27 – 3/5 Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board: What are the advantages of a CPOE application coupled with a clinical decision support system? 1. Search the Internet and find one article describing the adoption of CPOE within a health care setting. Summarize the article and address the following questions: What are the key points of the article? What lessons learned does it describe? Prepare a report that discusses your findings 2. EHR Go – Adding Orders 6 3/6 -3/12 Clinical Decision Support Systems, Part I Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board: Think about the following scenario. Post your thoughts to the questions and respond to two classmates. A nurse on the unit in an acute care hospital scans the bar codes of a patient’s wristband and the medication each time a medication is administered. On occasion an alert that the medication about to be administered is contra-indicated for the patient is shown. Answer the following questions and respond to two classmates. Why is this scenario an example of clinical decision support? What would be a benefit of the clinical decision support? What is the role of clinical decision support in this situation? Why is clinical decision support important at the point of care? EHR Go: Cause and Effect: CDS Evaluation
7 3/13 – 3/19 Clinical Decision Support Systems, Part II Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board: Search the internet for a current article about CDSS. Provide the link to the article and summarize the article for your peers. Respond to two classmates. EHR Go: Implementing Clinical Decision Support 8 3/20 – 3/26 Midterm 9 3/27 – 4/2 Patient Monitoring Systems Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board: Review the presentation at /wireless-devices#1 . Select a device that you are interested in and post your thoughts about that device and its functionality. Respond to two classmates. Watch the YouTube video - VA Telehealth: Real- Time Access To Care, As you listen, identify how the VA telehealth program supports clinical care for veterans and determine the economic benefit. Formulate an opinion on whether or not the program is effective from the patient and the provider standpoint. Write up your findings and judgment in a two-page paper. 10 4/3 – 4/16 Medical Imaging Systems Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board: Read the article, medical-imaging-technology . Where do you think mobile technology along with medical imaging systems will go in the future? Comment on the article and respond to two classmates. Watch the YouTube video - Radiology Demo Video ure=related As you listen, write down the radiology imaging procedure before and then after the implementation of the PACS. What economic and technological factors were realized when the PACS was adopted? What was described as the future of radiology? Write up your findings in a paper and submit to your instructor. Week 11 4/3 – 4/16 Consumer Health Informatics Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board: Do you or a family member have a personal health record (PHR)? Why or why not? Post about your personal experience with PHRs. Respond to two classmates. Search the Internet for a personal health record (PHR) site and a site that is specifically set up with the consumer in mind. Review these sites with the consumer in mind to (a) experience their functionality, (b) assess their user-friendliness, and (c) assess their implications for consumer, health care providers, and health information systems. Write a paper describing the results of your investigation. Include your opinion on how these sites may impact health information systems. 12 4/17 – 4/23 Administrative, Billing, and Financial Systems Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board: The Administrative Information Systems include many financial, support, and administrative systems such as the master patient index, decision support system, registration and admitting, the hospital information system, and the financial system. Select one system (not CDSS) and research and post your findings in 300 Watch the YouTube video - Medical Records Text Analytics Solution for Health Plans As you listen, prepare a document that describes the data analysis and trending process explained in the video. Decide whether or not, based on the description and what was covered in the reading, the critical elements to integrate clinical and financial data were met. Post your opinion in the discussion thread started by the instructor.
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words or less. Respond to two classmates.
13 4/24 – 4/30 Master Patient Index and the Unique Patient Identifier Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board: Read the article, - calls-for-unique-patient-identifier-solution/ . Discuss with your classmates any personal experience you, a friend, or family member may have had with misidentification in a health care setting. What is a Master Patient Index? How is this related to a unique patient identifier? Compare and contrast these terms in the form of a one-page paper. 14 5/1 – 5/7 EXTENDED WEEK Population Health Read all assigned internet readings. Discussion Board: What do you anticipate will be the biggest challenges for an integrated delivery system that wishes to expand population health-related activities? Use the following articles to answer the question below as well as assisting with your discussion board answer. American Hospital Association. (2012). Managing population health: The role of the hospital. Retrieved from Clark, M. (2013). Three key elements for successful population health management (Research Briefing). Retrieved from Study/2013/Three-Elements-for-Successful-Population-Health-Management/ Three-Key-Elements-for-Successful-Population-Health-Management.pdf Hong, C. S., Siegel, A. L., & Ferris, T. G. (2014). Caring for high-need, high- cost patients: What makes for a successful care management program? Commonwealth Fund Issue Brief. Retrieved from 2014/aug/1764_hong_caring_for_high_need_high_cost_patients_ccm_ib.pdf What are some examples of successful strategies an integrated delivery system could employ to overcome challenges of expanding population health-related activities?   Answer with a one-page paper in APA format. 15 5/5 – 5/23 Final Exam Good luck!