I agree locating and access to advance directives are pretty simple! I am so glad
they are easily accessible for the general population. They are very important to
include in the older population as it benefits their care, appointing one of their loved
ones, or trusted ones, to make decisions on their behalf when they are incapable of
doing so. Advance directives also include wishes based off of religious and moral
beliefs (2018). This gives the patient peace of mind and comfort. As nurses, we
should educate our patients on the importance and benefits of advance directives as
many of them are unaware of what advance directives entail. We may also direct our
patients to social services who can also provide this information to our patients.
Prior to this assignment I am guilty of not seeing too much importance in advance
directives, not having one myself. But I see now how beneficial they really are
regardless of age. I myself plan on making one of my own.