


California State University, Long Beach *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by ethanpadilla502

Lab 4: Plate tectonics and plate movement rate ______________________________________________________________________ Part 1 How do plates move? Density differences between plates control whether a plate can sink into the mantle at subduction zones. Convection in the mantle moves the plates. To explore density and how it works. We will work with an online program called Gizmos. Click the link below and scroll over the picture to launch the Gizmo. https://www.explorelearning.com/index.cfm? method=cResource.dspDetail&ResourceID=362 Instructions: 1. Drag the object off the shelf and place it on the scale and record the mass in g.  2. Then drag and drop it in the cylinder and record the volume (difference in water displaced). 3. Calculate the density (mass divided by volume).  4. Set the density of the fluid in the beaker to 1 g/ml (this is the density of pure water). Drop the object into the beaker to see if it sinks or floats. 5. If it sinks, move the density bar for the fluid until you can get the object to float. Object Mass (g) Volume (ml) Density (g/ml) Float (Y/N) Pink egg (#2) 11.1 9.7 1.14 n Red egg (#11) 65.5 41.2 1.59 n C 8 306 24.4 61.6 25.7 4.96 .96 N y After you complete this: your TA will call you back to discuss the findings. ______________________________________________________________________
Part 2. Bathymetry and Plate Tectonics In the power point you can compare the plate boundaries with the bathymetric (or physiographic) map to see how major features on the seafloor are related to plate boundaries. Physiographic map of the eastern Pacific and Atlantic 8. What features are found at divergent boundaries? Rift valleys mid ocean ridge rift volcano
9. On the figure above use the insert/shape/line tool to draw the divergent boundary in the Atlantic. Make sure the line is red. [skip this if time does not permit] 10. Which bathymetric features are associated with convergent boundaries? Deep ocean trenches, volcanoes, island arcs, submarine mountain ranges, and fault lines
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