fifth-grade
classroom
teacher
would
like
to
help
her
English
learners
learn
to
read
with
more
natural
intonation
and
phrasing.
Which
of
the
following
strategies
would
help
them
develop
these
necessary
fluency
skills?
sharing
a
read-aloud
with
the
class,
emphasizing
the
rise
and
fall
of
the
phrases,
and
having
the
students
echo-read
the
same
text
Sharing
a
read-aloud
with
the
class
is
the
best
way
to
model
speaking
with
intonation
and
phrasing.
As
the
teacher
conducts
the
read-aloud,
students
will
hear
the
rise
and
fall
of
the
phrases
and
then
practice
the
same
techniques
during
the
echo
reading
exercise.
having
each
student
listen
to
a
recording
of
themselves
reading
and
giving
them
a
self-
x
evaluation
rubric
to
complete
Having
this
group
of
students
listen
to
a
recording
of
themselves
and
complete
a
self-evaluation
will
not
help
them
improve
their
intonation
and
phrasing
because
English
learners
are
struggling
with
these
skills.
This
group
of
students
requires
additional
direct
instruction
to
improve
these
skills
before
they
are
capable
of
completing
a
self-evaluation.