Include sentences with specific details
to provide evidence to support the claim in your
topic sentence.
Include specific information from the textbook.
You may also choose to
include supporting details from another credible source (remember to cite!)
Body Paragraph 3
Topic sentence outlining third component of your essay.
This could be a different form of
civic engagement, or one of the >bullet points in the assignment directions (analyze
which level of government is most relevant for your policy recommendation, which
branch of government is most relevant, etc.)
Include sentences with specific details to provide evidence to support the claim in your
topic sentence.
Include specific information from the textbook.
You may also choose to
include supporting details from another credible source (remember to cite!)
Pull it all together with a conclusion. This paragraph should generally contain the
Summary of the main points made in the essay.
Restatement of your thesis.
If you wish, here is the place you can also add a sentence about what you learned about
civic engagement from thinking through this assignment.
Although your learning
experience should not be the focus of the whole essay, it’s appropriate here.
You want to
end an essay on a positive note!