Consistently embracing and demonstrating the doctoral dispositions set forth by GCU are
essential for the doctoral journey and will aid me during the dissertation process (Bridges et
al., 2022). Reading and annotating fifteen articles related to my dissertation topic has
reinforced the importance of critically analyzing the literature in a specific area. I will continue
researching to discover gaps or problem spaces with the goal of properly defending my topic
at the first residency. I want the literature to speak to me. This can be challenging sometimes
as I choose articles that include specific words or phrases in the titles and abstracts that catch
my eye. This limits the scope of my search and will not cover the wide range of evidence I
wish to discover. Developing a research proposal will come from demanding work and
persistence. I am open to feedback and coaching from the faculty in the program. Learning
how to use all the researcher tools provided is crucial since my instructors will not review the
sources I select for reading (Bridges et al., 2022). The upcoming courses will continue to refine
my researcher skills as they delve into new areas of knowledge and learning required to
complete the assignments and the dissertation. Completing the dissertation demands
considerable persistence, resilience, and adaptability. There will be intense and emotional
moments. Becoming an independent learner means moving from dependence to self-