What stylistic devices does Ruth Padel use in the poem “Time to Fly” to communicate to her
Ruth Padel uses visual imagery, which allows her reader to visualize the specific events, objects,
or subjects in the poem. For example, "Because there’s food over the hill and there’ll be gold, or
more likely bauxite, inside the hill." The reader gets a clear visual image of the objects and
events at that specific moment. Ruth uses Repetition to create the structure of the poem and
emphasize her message to the readers. For example, "You go because" establishes Time to Fly's
structure and emphasizes to the reader the reasons behind specific events. Ruth Padel also uses
Feeling as a poetic device, for example; “You go in hope, in faith, in haste, high spirits, deep
sorrow, deep snow, deep shit," which allows her readers to express the emotions in particular
events or/and with a specific subject.