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Jun 7, 2024





Uploaded by BrigadierLlama4338

Take Online Quiz 3 Due 26 Apr at 23:59 Points 26 Questions 27 Available until 5 May at 23:59 Time limit 60 Minutes This quiz was locked 5 May at 23:59. Attempt history Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 25 minutes 21.33 out of 26 Correct answers are no longer available. Score for this quiz: 21.33 out of 26 Submitted 26 Apr at 14:08 This attempt took 25 minutes. Question 1 1 / 1 pts True False Question 2 1 / 1 pts True False Question 3 1 / 1 pts True False To achieve safety at rural intersections, roundabouts are designed to deflect vehicle paths to slow down vehicles. The size of the central island must be sufficiently large to separate the adjacent entry and exit points. The exit radii is designed similarly to the approach radii. 6/6/24, 11:39 AM Take Online Quiz 3: CVE30003 TRANSPORT ENGINEERING 1/9
The exit radii use a large radii curve (greater than the circulating radius, approx. 100m) or straight tangential to central island Question 4 1 / 1 pts True False Question 5 1 / 1 pts True False Question 6 1 / 1 pts space is constraint multi-leg intersections roads with high right turn volumes high speed rural intersections IncorrectQuestion 7 0 / 1 pts Guide vehicles on entry Slow vehicles down Improve sight distance Design smoother entry radius PartialQuestion 8 0.33 / 1 pts Under the Australian Road Rules, vehicle drivers have to give way to pedestrians at a roundabout In designing a small roundabout, consideration must be given to over-dimensional vehicles that may possibly use the intersection. A roundabout is suitable to be placed at Deflection of vehicle path is the most important design objective of roundabout geometric design. This is done to achieve one or more of the following: 6/6/24, 11:39 AM Take Online Quiz 3: CVE30003 TRANSPORT ENGINEERING 2/9
A driver at the “Give Way” line should have a clear line of sight to approaching traffic entering the roundabout from an approach immediately to the right. the driver has a good view of the splitter-island, the central island and the circulating carriageway drivers approaching the roundabout are able to see other entering vehicles well before they reach the “Give Way” line. drivers be able to see the traffic from opposite leg. Question 9 1 / 1 pts for multi-lane roundabout, the width per circulating lane is wider than the width of circulating lane for single lane roundabout the bigger the central island is, the wider the circulating lane is. The number of circulating lanes can be different for different legs. all lanes for special vehicles will end at the entry lanes and will not be designed for in the circulating lanes. Question 10 1 / 1 pts offset approach treatment by central island shape and position of splitter island provision of blister at the central island A roundabout should provide sufficient sight distance with the following criteria: Which of the following is TRUE about circulating lanes? Various methods of deflecting vehicle paths include: Instruction: Solve the whole problem first, then input the answers in the next few questions. (question sequence may be random). You will be asked to input your answers separately. For an two-lane two-way unsignalised intersection below, it was suggested to be converted into a single-lane roundabout. Given: Inscribed diameter = 40m 6/6/24, 11:39 AM Take Online Quiz 3: CVE30003 TRANSPORT ENGINEERING 3/9
Question 11 1 / 1 pts 926 Entry lane width = 4m Analyse the North Leg to a) determine the entry, circulating and exit flows. b) determine capacity. c) determine the degree of saturation. Determine the capacity for North Leg . 6/6/24, 11:39 AM Take Online Quiz 3: CVE30003 TRANSPORT ENGINEERING 4/9
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