3-6 Project One_ Writing Plan



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Jun 11, 2024





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Luis 1 Luis Estrella Professor Shazia Ali Eng-123 Date 11/13/2022 3-6 Project One: Writing Plan The argument I have chosen to talk about is CyberSecurity vs. The End User. With the constant climb of new techs such as computers, smartphones, smart cars, social media, and gaming platforms, people are on the edge of the increasing influence of Online Security. This argument relates to my line of work since I'm pursuing a degree in CyberSecurity Operations and Defense. The audiences I am directing this to are those who use tech daily and those who don't understand it very well. The biggest challenge for my argument is that since the internet is relatively new and constantly growing, not everyone understands it. Users know what a website is, such as Youtube or Facebook, but many don't know what makes a site. They don't understand that while on your end, everything might look safe, and no one could be able to steal your information. It's relatively easy. My goal with this essay is to persuade and demonstrate why CyberSecurity is needed and the benefits that come with it. I'll know I've completed my goal when id successfully created an argument backed up with enough compelling and understandable evidence by the average user base. I’d start with the fundamentals of website security confidentiality which refers to access control to information ensuring those who shouldn't have access are kept out. Then the integrity of protected sites against unprotected showing the flaws that can give any hacker access and how Cyber Specialists prevent it. And end with the availability of emergency sites such as the power grid, medical equipment, and safety systems, such as when a hacker with the name virtux discovered that EAS Systems are easily accessible
Luis 2 by scanning for ports into the systems, thus letting him create fake Emergency messages such as Amber alerts or even Missle sirens. With the feedback given, I've added more information and am still acquiring information to form, like you stated, a “map” of research for a better argument and counter-argument for my upcoming rough draft. Cites Works Boskamp, Elsie. “30 Worrisome Cybersecurity Statistics [2022]: Data, Trends and More.” Zippia 30 Worrisome Cybersecurity Statistics 2022 Data Trends And More Comments , Zippia, 11 Oct. 2022, https://www.zippia.com/advice/cybersecurity-statistics/ . Stokel-Walker, Chris. “Exclusive: The U.S. Emergency Alert System Has Been Hacked.” Exclusive: The U.S. Emergency Alert System Has Been Hacked , Input, 11 Dec. 2020, https://www.inverse.com/input/tech/this-hacker-showed-us-how-to-exploit-the-usa-candas- emergency-alert-system Cranford, JJ. “Three Pillars of Infosec: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.” Cybersecurity Software , 15 Sept. 2021, https://www.cybereason.com/blog/three-pillars-of-infosec-confidentiality- integrity-and-availability . Scherling, Laura. “A New Age for Cyber Resilience & Cyber Security Design.” Design Observer , 13 July 2022, https://designobserver.com/feature/a-new-age-for-cyber-resilience--cyber-security- design/40545 .
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