Analyzing Pulp Fiction: Uniquely Blending Noir Elements



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Jun 12, 2024





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Pulp Fiction Comparative Analysis Ian Baltz
For my project I’ve chosen the 1994 film, Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino. It is an original work of fiction, as most of Tarantino's movies are, meant only to be a work of art and not to tell a true-to-life story. The film follows several characters in a series of intertwining events. Vincent and Jules are two hitmen working for an influential man named Marsellus Wiley, Butch is a boxer attempting to escape the law and make a new life for himself and his girlfriend after accidentally killing an opponent. Marsellus’s wife, Mia, also plays a crucial role in the film. They story is told out of chronological order, with overlapping events and a unique narrative style. The comparative element that I’ll be focusing on in my project is the film’s artistic style. One of the heaviest influences in the movie’s style is film noir 1 . A lot of noir elements are included in the film, but Tarantino modifies them and adapts them to his own style. It has much more punchy visuals and in-your-face violence than a traditional noir film, but still has the cynicism and grit of traditional noir. My leading questions is; “How does Tarantino utilize and augment traditional noir themes and characteristics in order to make the film more unique?” References 1. Soland, Chase. “Pulp Fiction-the Film and What’s behind It.” Medium , Medium, 18 June 2023, and-whats-behind-it-70352c09fb26.
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