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Electrical Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by SuperHumanRiver3417

z ELEX 3130 – Signal Processing and Power Electronics Lab number: 3 Response of 2 nd Order Circuits in the Time-Domain Philip Krol A01271678 October 13, 2022 Objectives To analyze the behavior of second RLC circuit by observing the time response with underdamped, critically damped, and overdamped circuit parameters. Equipment:
Resistors: 10 Ω, 100 Ω, 1 kΩ for different levels of damping Inductors: 1 mH Capacitors 100 nF Pre Lab calculations:
Procedure Note: for this lab you will use your DC power supply as the source for this test as your function generator has a (relatively) significant series resistance (nominal 50 ) that will Ω affect the damping factor of your system. 1. Implement your series RLC circuit with = 10 , = 1 mH and = 𝑅 Ω 𝐿 𝐶 100 nF on your breadboard, taking the capacitor voltage as the output. 2. Implement a method of disconnecting the source to/from the supply (this will allow you to check your circuit’s step response). You may wish to use a switch or just directly connect the supply to your breadboard. Note: If using a switch, ensure your circuit behaviour is not affected by contact bounce. 3. Set the DC supply to 5 V and set the current limit to 0.5 A to prevent the current limiting feature of the power supply from interfering with your step response. 4. For 𝑅 = 10 , Ω 𝑅 = 100 Ω and 𝑅 = 1 k , Ω apply a 5 V step input by connecting the supply to your circuit using the method determined in Step 2. a. Capture the output voltage (capacitor) versus waveform with the same time base and compare with your predictions. b. Using cursors, measure the rise time of the step response, i.e., the time taken to go from 10% to 90% of the final value
For Resistor = 10 Ohms For Resistor = 100 Ohms
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