The textbook described the importance of empathy but the important distinction the textbook makes is that to understand empathy you need to also comprehend the differences between sympathy and empathy. There is also an expectation as a counselor to be compassionate towards the clients and their situations. Counselors being present in the session and in the conversation can demonstrate compassion towards the client. There is a variety of communication styles including body language and other non-verbal cues that could show presence in the conversation, so counselors need to be careful in many different forms of communication. SOLER is an abbreviation that counselors should follow to demonstrate an open and invested communication style (Egan & Reese, 2019). SOLER stands for sit squarely, open posture, lean towards the other, eye contact, and relax. It can be difficult to try to relax in these sessions for counselors due to the gravity of these severe situations the clients may disclose to you (Egan & Reese, 2019).
Active listening is another way that a counselor can show their involvement and presence for the client. When anyone feels unheard, they can react negatively so as a counselor making sure you are attentive, present, and compassionate for the betterment of the client’s treatment.
Egan, G., & Reese, R. J. (2019).The skilled helper: A problem-management and opportunity-
development approach to helping. Langara College.