Questions pertain to the Chodur et al. (2016) article required for your Literature Reflection 3 . Each
reflection is expected to be 2 pages in length (double-spaced, 11-point font) in APA style.
Describe the type/configuration of mixed method study design used, and discuss briefly the quantitative
procedures and qualitative procedures.
One of the key characteristics of a mixed method study is the meaningful integration of both quantitative
and qualitative data. Do you believe the researchers accomplished this? Why or why not?
Describe the sampling techniques used in the qualitative portion of the study. Discuss the pros and cons
of this type of sampling strategy. If you were conducting this study with an unlimited budget, what (if
anything) would you do differently in regard to sampling?
In the Methods/Qualitative Procedures/Data Collection section, the authors describe the general topics
discussed in interviews. Knowing these topics, pretend you are tasked with drafting questions for the
semi-structured interview guide, and provide 2 possible questions you might ask.
Review the interview quotes in the results section. Do you find the quotes useful? Why or why not?
Describe one qualitative finding that you find especially salient or important.