Topic 1




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May 31, 2024





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1.1.a You are working with a group of consumers with mental health issues, specifically with anxiety disorders. You are developing a service program to help them participate more fully in the community and to interact with others. There are a range of service options available to them. What are ten of the strategies you can use to help them to participate and engage in the decision-making process? A range of strategies will help promote increased participation in decision making by a consumer and consumer groups, including:  Allow time to make a decision  Identify the relevant information needed.  Only present real options  Exploring the options  Sometimes limited choices are needed  Identify the results or consequences of a decision  Break large amounts of information into manageable chunks  Avoid suggesting answers  Check for understanding  Ensure consumers have assessed their options carefully. 1.1.b You are working with a consumer who is physically disabled. You are developing a service program that meets their needs for recreation activities. You think that they should choose a particular activity because it is the least physically demanding. Should you tell them this? Explain. When working with a consumer who is physically disabled, it's important to approach the situation with sensitivity and respect for their autonomy. While it's your role to provide guidance and support, it's also crucial to respect their choices and preferences. Here are some considerations:  Respect for Autonomy : It's important to respect the consumer's autonomy and their right to make decisions about their own life. If they express interest in a particular activity, it's not appropriate to discourage them based on your own assumptions about their abilities.  Providing Information : On the other hand, it's your responsibility to provide them with all the necessary information to make an informed decision. If you believe that a particular activity is less physically demanding and could be beneficial for them, you should share this information.  Sensitivity and Tact : The way you communicate this information is crucial. It should be done in a sensitive and respectful manner, without making assumptions about their abilities or preferences.
1.2.a Why is it important for individuals to participate in interviews? One of the most important things about the interview process is to make sure the individual is and feels involved and is able to participate. Not all individuals will be able to fully participate and family representation or that of a significant other or an advocate might be necessary. Individuals, however, need to feel that they have some control over what is happening and that they are actively involved in the planning of meeting their own needs. By making sure that they are giving opportunities to fully participate we can reinforce their positive self- image, increase self-confidence and reassure individuals, while upholding their rights. 1.2.b What is engagement and how can it be achieved? Engagement is a communication process. Consumers might disengage if they feel fragile, unheard, judged or disregarded. To successfully investigate the needs a consumer has, engagement has to be continually addressed. Engagement requires:  Courtesy  Introductions  Explanations  Eye contact  Attentiveness  Comfort If these issues are addressed, individuals are more likely to discuss and reveal what their needs are: Each organisation will have their own set of procedures, protocols and investigative methods for collecting consumer information. However, the organisations procedures will be based on statutory and legislative regulatory requirements, for example privacy legislation. Information about individual needs can be collected via:  Interviews with consumers  Questionnaires  Applications and other forms  Case documentation  Using specialist communicators
 Information from professionals – including medical reports  Information from other service providers In most cases an interview will be set up to assess an individual, to help identify their needs and as a introduction to developing suitable service programs. 1.2.c Make a list of at least five questions that you might ask individuals to investigate their needs and state whether they are open, closed or probing questions. Open questions are designed to encourage full, meaningful answers using the subject's own knowledge and/or feelings. They are the opposite of closed questions, which can typically be answered with a single word or phrase. 1. Can you describe your current situation and what you are looking to achieve? 2. What are some of the strengths that you bring to this situation? 3. What areas do you feel you have the most capability or expertise? 4. What are your preferences when it comes to working style or communication? 5. Can you tell me about a time when you successfully overcame a challenge? What strategies did you use? Closed questions are those which can be answered by a simple "yes" or "no", or with a specific piece of information. 1. Do you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve? 2. Do you consider yourself to be strong in this area? 3. Do you have experience in this field? 4. Do you prefer to communicate via email or phone? 5. Have you faced a similar challenge in the past? Probing questions are not just about clarifying specific details, instead these questions dig much deeper than the surface. 1. Why do you think that is happen? 2. What sort of impact do you think this will have? 3. What would need to change for you to achieve this? 4. Do you feel that that is right? 5. How did you come to this conclusion? 1.3.a Other than speech and language problems, what issues might act as a barrier to participation in service programs? Provide at least five examples. Barriers might also relate to:
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