CIVE 4308 Assignment 1 (Scaffolded)



Carleton University *

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Civil Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





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2/26/24, 11:06 PM CIVE 4308 Assignment 1 (Scaffolded) about:blank 1/8 CIV4308/2022 Assignment #1 Page 1/6 Carleton University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering CIVE 4 BEHAVIOUR AND DESIGN 308A: OF STEEL STRUCTURES Assignment #1 (Scaffolded) Due: January 31 st , 2022 Name: Student No.: Section: INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Clearly put a square around your final answers. 2. Answer all questions by hand (not typed) and submit. 3. To submit, scan your assignment and upload it as a pdf to the Brightspace submission form. 4. Show all of your work. marks will be given without intermediate steps. No 5. Write your name on all pages 6. Be aware of the relative weight of each question. 7. Make sure your work is neat and that the scans are legible. Marks will be deducted for neatness 8. Late assignments submitted within 24 hours of the deadline will be deducted 25%, assignments submitted past 24 hours will not be accepted
2/26/24, 11:06 PM CIVE 4308 Assignment 1 (Scaffolded) about:blank 2/8 CIV4308/2022 Assignment #1 Page 2/6 The plan view, for a typical floor and the roof of a steel office building is as shown below. For the design of this building, lightweight concrete is not an option because it is not available at the location of this building. To limit labour costs, you are asked to avoid the use of shoring. The roof will be designed with a steel deck and joist system (no concrete), while the floor system will be designed with a composite steel deck and joist system with at least 60 mm of concrete cover. The supplier mentioned that they can only deliver sheets upto 6 m in length. The supplier for this project is CANAM, and thus you can use the catalogues posted on Brightspace. The owner specifies that a deflection limit of L/360 is desired both for the roof and floor systems. The HVAC team mentioned that there will be multiple ducts with the following dimensions for which they would like to be able to easily pass through the OWSJ openings. Duct 1: 300 mm x 300 mm (Square) Duct 2: 0 mm x mm (Rectangle) 45 150 Duct 3: mm diameter (Circular) 380 To ensure that the design is economical, you should have the following considerations: Deck spans E-W Use only one steel deck profile for the floor, and only one steel deck profile for the roof. (Note: This is done to make assembly more efficient and reduce labor costs) Use consistent joist spacing for the floors and consistent joist spacing for the roofs. (Once again, this is to ensure assembly is efficient) You should change joist mass and depths in panels where loading is high. Use the most economical sections, marks will be deducted if the most economical section is not used. 1. 20 ( Marks) Design an appropriate steel deck and joist system that can be used to support the roof Draw a . plan view showing your design. Specify the depth and mass of the joists selected. You can use the template below for your drawings. Also, specify what the minimum bearing length should be at an end bearing and at an interior bearing. a. Based on the spacing between columns and the capacity of the steel decks shown in the catalogue, pick a joist spacing that can be consistent throughout the floor and roof plans b. Based on the applied load, select a steel deck that has adequate strength to resist the applied flexural loads c. Check whether the steel deck chosen in part b above will meet the serviceability requirements. If it does not, select another section that would meet both strength and serviceability requirements. d. Determine the minimum depth required to provide adequate clearance for the ducts. e. Select a joist that meets the strength and serviceability requirements for the bays with the higher loading. f. Select a joist that meets the strength and serviceability requirements for the bays with the lower loading. g. Determine the minimum bearing required to resist the web crippling load applied on the steel deck. h. Use the template provided below to specify the joist design for each bay 2. 18 ( Marks) Design an appropriate steel deck and joist system that can be used to support the floor. You can use the template below for your drawings. Draw a plan view showing your design. Specify the depth and mass of the joists selected. You can use the same spacing from the previous question. Note: a. Based on the applied load, select a steel deck that has adequate strength to resist the applied flexural loads. Ensure that the slab thickness selected would provide the necessary 60 mm of Concrete cover.
2/26/24, 11:06 PM CIVE 4308 Assignment 1 (Scaffolded) about:blank 3/8 CIV4308/2022 Assignment #1 Page 3/6 b. Check whether the steel deck chosen in part a above will meet the serviceability requirements. If it does not, select another section that would meet both strength and serviceability requirements. c. Select a joist that meets the strength and serviceability requirements for the bays with the higher loading. d. Select a joist that meets the strength and serviceability requirements for the bays with the lower loading. e. Use the template provided below to specify the joist design for each bay.
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