joint pme warfare



DeVry University, Fremont *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Civil Engineering


Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by octanepower

Q PME (enlisted) Block 5: Joint Warfare Study online at _9882e9 1. Which of the following statements best describes A command with broad a Unified Command? continuing missions un- der a single comman- der composed of forces from two or more mili- tary departments. 2. Joint warfare is best described as the integrated and syn- chronized application of all appropriate capa- bilities 3. The Joint Forces Maritime Component Comman- Functional component der is an example of a commander 4. On what basis can joint forces be established? Geographic or function- (Select the best answer.) al 5. Which command is NOT a functional combatant U.S. Southern Com- command? mand 6. Which statement best reflects the concept of Command includes command? both the authority and responsibility for ef- fectively using avail- able resources to ac- complish assigned mis- sions. /. The term "joint forces" includes which of the fol- All the answers are cor- lowing commands? rect. 8. The combatant commander's campaign is based All the answers are cor- on which of the following? rect. 9. Combatant commanders should ensure that their TRUE unified action synchronizes and/or integrates joint and single-service operations with the ac- tions of supporting combatant commands, other military forces during multinational operations, 1/2
PME (enlisted) Block 5: Joint Warfare Study online at _9882e9 and nonmilitary and other Federal Government agencies. 10. Which of the following statements does NOT re- By direct operational in- flect how unified direction is nhormally accom- volvement by the Chair- plished? man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 11. What level of authority is normally exercised by Tactical Control the functional component commanders of a com- (TACON) batant command? 12. A unified command will always contain which of Service components the following? 13. The combatant commander can give authoritative TRUE direction to subordinate commands and forces necessary to carry out missions assigned to the command 14. Which of the following is NOT a function of the Budget and procure combatant commander? service-specific equip- ment. 15. Overwhelming force would fall under which fun- Concentration damental of joint warfare? 16. The combatant commander can give authoritative TRUE direction to subordinate commands and forces necessary to carry out missions assigned to the command. 17. Which of the following document(s) provide(s) . National Security strategic direction for the combatant comman- Strategy and National ders? Military Strategy 2/2
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