them, is kind of like chicken running with their heads cut off. There is no direction and no one that they can look to
for support and know that someone is in their corner. I think that this is important in building trust within you team.
Because they know that you can show them the correct way of doing things, each member will know that even
though I may rank higher than them technically, I can be someone they can look to lead them down the correct path
to success. Being an effective leader, you must build on this skill so the team can work and achieve goals together
and let them know that you can be relied on when push comes to shove. They also know that you have been where
they have been and they can ask you questions and get the correct answer instead of trying to wing it and potentially
hurting the group in the end.
When looking into the employee satisfaction survey I noticed that some of the leadership behaviors that
they should look into improving is trust within the company. It seems that most of the employees seem to be lacking
in feeling appreciated at work. This is incredibly important if you want to produce or achieve anything from your
group. When a team trust their leader, it builds a sense of openness and honesty in communicating. Employees will
feel comfortable expressing their thought, concerns, and ideas without fear of judgement or negative consequences.
This open dialogue allows for effective problem solving and collaboration with in the company. This will make the
employees feel safe in their work environment. By employees feeling safe at work, they will enjoy coming into
work more and leaders of the group can get the most production out of their team. In doing these leadership
practices the company will be able to improve on the retention of its employees in the company. It is hard to move
forward if you are always hiring new people, and by being able to keep employees on board in will not only move
them forward, but also the entire company.
Although the company seems to need to work on a more trust in the work place, they seem to do a good job
of modeling the way. They scored really high with an 80 in the section of employees being proud to tell their
families that they work here. This shows that the company has good standing in the community and is respected. By
the company having respect it shows the employees that as a whole the company has been doing good and that they
can know no matter what that at the end of the day the work for a well thought of company. In maintaining this area
leaders can be trusted that if they have moved up in the company then that means the employees below them will
respect their decisions as they have probably at one time or another been exactly where they are. This can help
leaders allow employees to feel that they can take risks without the worry of being fired. I believe that these