Britton 1
Karla Britton
Professor Hardy
Journal 8-1
After reflecting on the role of human-centered design, I can highlight why creating a human-centered design helps understand the needs and expectations of the targeted audience and leads to successful ads. Human-centered designs are a complementary strategy that adds value to the design thinking process. HCD is a creative problem-solving approach that begins with understanding the targeted audience and ends with tailor-made solutions that suit the targeted audience's preferences and needs. HCD involves extensive knowledge of people's needs, expectations, and behaviors. The main objective of human-centered design is to create products that resonate with the targeted audience on an emotional level and fulfill their needs in a meaningful way. The steps for HCD are to understand the needs, motivations, and behaviors of targeted audiences and then clearly articulate audiences' needs and problems. After assessing the targeted audience's needs, generate a range of creative ideas to address the
user's needs, then turn your ideas into physical forms.
Since learning about visual thinking tools and how to properly implement them in the design thinking process, I have found mood boards and mind maps are essential in helping me visualize the needs and expectations of the targeted audience preferences for future projects. I will create a collage that represents the aesthetic preferences of the targeted audience by