When discussing uses off media and internet within a business or facility, there are many ways that the usage can become an issue. There are also many different forms of media that a business can use. These usages can range anywhere from social media platforms to banking apps, among many others. One of the ways in which media or the internet is used in the business environment is through electronic payment systems. Most people may overlook electronic payment systems as being an issue in a professional setting. However, some employers may catch that there are some ethical issues that may surface through that kind of media or electronic usage.
Electronic payment systems are a way in which people or businesses may give money or funds to another person through phones or computers. It is a payment process between two parties. Electronic payments can also come in the form off online shopping. When running your card for a purchase on Amazon, you are using an electronic payment system. No physical cash or
paper money is used for these kinds of purchases, (AvidXchange, 2023).