Q3. What arrangements could you potentially make with sources of information, facilities or providers of products or services that could be beneficial to you or your visitors?
Prices, fees, price structures, discounts offered, conditions of trade, acceptance of checks, and other information that visitors might find interesting. Exist any discounts that people can benefit from?
Delivery arrangements: If the establishment offers a product, it may
be worthwhile to inquire about their delivery or delivery arrangements capabilities. For international visitors who don't want to carry their purchases with them for the duration of their vacation,
this can be of particular importance and value.
Contact information, including phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, websites, and mobile phone numbers; street and postal addresses as well as any regional, interstate, or international addresses.
Result ☐Satisfactory ☐Not Satisfactory
Q4. Why is it important to share information with colleagues?
Colleagues' thoughts and experiences can be shared by exchanging knowledge. This will provide you more resources to help you answer your questions. Visitors frequently share their distinctive experiences with your coworkers, who might then share them with you.
Result ☐Satisfactory ☐Not Satisfactory
Q5. In what ways can you share information with your colleagues?