: All affected employees
: Director, Strategic Planning
Change in benefits and its effects on affected employees
Greetings, everyone; following the end of a ten-year contract between our company and the
benefits provider we have worked with in the last decade, we are implementing changes in
employee health coverage, which will take effect on January 1st of the new fiscal year. An
annual audit of all company policies shows that the benefits provided by our previous provider
have remained the same over the ten years and in some areas reduced despite increases in
premiums and the company’s cost. Research by the benefits department established several
complaints regarding the current provider’s cost, coverage, co-pays, and options from all of you.
As a result, the benefits department has been reviewing several other providers over the last year
to conduct due diligence. After a careful review of the multiple plans from different providers as
well as extensive consultation with further stakeholders, a suitable program has been selected by
the benefits team that will effectively serve you and the overall interests of the organization. All
employees will enjoy several enhancements from the new program, including a healthcare
savings account, an improved dental plan, plans with several deductible options, and a wellness
program. The wellness program will allow employees to access a weight loss application, enjoy
smoking cessation programs, access reimbursement for gym memberships, and incentives for
activity logs and wellness visits because our company is committed to facilitating recreation to
promote healthy work-life balance. Plans with several deductible options will ensure all your
diverse needs are met as you can select the plan that you feel offers you the correct coverage at
the right costs ensuring you remain productive and healthy. A healthcare savings account will
help you set aside funds on a pre-tax basis, enabling you to pay for qualified medical expenses