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Jun 18, 2024





Uploaded by raman2444

CST 8283 Business Programming LAB 5 STUDENT NAME. Ramandeep Kaur STUDENT NUMBER 041010360 LAB SECTION 312 For the following arithmetic expressions, predict what the value will be in the identified fields. Highlight your answer in bold. Use the initial values noted with the picture clause for each of the arithmetic statements. 05 FLD-1 PIC 9(3) VALUE 145. 05 FLD-2 PIC 9(3) VALUE 222. 05 FLD-3 PIC 9(2) VALUE 10. 05 FLD-4 PIC 9(3) VALUE 21. 05 FLD-5 PIC 9(2) VALUE 33. 05 FLD-6 PIC 9(4) VALUE 1111. 1 . MULTIPLY FLD-1 BY FLD-3 GIVING FLD-2 . Result in FLD-2 will be (a) 450 (b) 230 (c) 23 (d) 130 (e) 1230 2. DIVIDE FLD-5 BY FLD-3 GIVING FLD-6 ROUNDED. Result in FLD-6 will be (a) 123 (b) 0022 (c) 022 (d) 22 (e) 0003 3. ADD FLD-6 FLD-4 TO FLD-3. Result in FLD-4 will be (a) 1221 (b) 221 (c) 123 (d) 021 (e) 100 1 of 2
CST 8283 Business Programming LAB 5 4. SUBTRACT FLD-4 FLD-2 FLD-1 FROM FLD-5 Result in FLD-1 will be (a) 22 (b) 145 (c) 78 (d) 155 (e) 123 5. COMPUTE FLD-5 ROUNDED = (FLD-2 + FLD-4) / 3 Result in FLD-5 will be (a) 1073 (b) 81 (c) 73 (d) 07 (e) 731 6 SUBTRACT FLD-3 FLD-4 FLD-5 FROM FLD-2 Result in FLD-2 will be (a) 132 (b) 158 (c) 222 (d) 1111 (e) 090 In the following table a MOVE is made from the Sending Field to the Receiving Field. Identify whether the result in the Receiving Field Value is correct (answer C in the Answer column) or incorrect (answer INC in the Answer column). Blanks are coded as a lower case b SENDING FIELD SENDING FIELD VALUE RECEIVING FIELD RECEIVING FIELD VALUE answer 7 PIC 9(3)V99 123 PIC 9(3)V99 123 C 8 PIC S9(6) 123456 positive PIC 999999.99+ 123456+ C 9 PIC 9(3)V99 12345 positive PIC 999.99- 123.45+ INC 10 PIC S9(3)V99 12345 positive PIC 999.99- 123.45b C 11 PIC S9(5)V99 1234567 negative PIC 99,999.99+ 12,345.67- C 12 PIC 9(5)V99 1234567 positive PIC 99,999.99+ 12,345.67b INC 13 PIC S9(5)V99 1234567 positive PIC 99,999.99DB 12,345.67DB INC 14 PIC S9(5)V99 1234567 negative PIC 99,999.99DB 12,345.67DB C 2 of 2
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