Name 10N Unit 4: Enzymes 4 Lab time L lmm \WPotesis & o 5 NRAIVE 14, What wys the purpose of Tube 1 in Activity 2-17 What was the purpose 2 FTule in Activ Se o Thbe 1 B ¥ oriing To SeL \ 15. What is your group’s assigned question about fungal lactase activity? A0Ls Sungo\ |addse normdly Sun n % 16. What is your hypothesis (educated guess) about this question? enzme \a se W Woete by ¢ MA ees TN BT 3V, " [Activity 2-3 g 17. What is the dependent variable of your experiment? Please review the introduction of activity 2-3 for a description of what the dependent and independent variables are. endent \( ot P& Yoo measure in my Ay des vy y § variable of your experiment? 18, What is the It e Chande , Sowe\e Vi Yhe CXPeriment ‘ 19, What is the purpose of your positive control? What is the purpose of your negative control? SERRNGE RN - o able X \ S table below. Please enter any additional ample, a different substrate, salt, etc): tween 3 to 5 samples. 20. Fill in the volumes of the reagents you will use in the reagent you might use in the blank space in the first column (for exa Depending on how you write your hypothesis, your group will run be _Table 2-3 i RE A A B Sample 1 sampleZ | Sample3 | Sample4 | SampleS | pos. control neg.control | test | st test \ | Lactase 0.1 ml pH buffer volume 0.9 mL | \ pH level 7 | ! M L e Temperature | Don't forge i B Milk TmL [ T “ __//_‘,//% Total volume Zml 2mL ZmL Zm 2 fi Result I I > ‘ \ ] s an alternative reagent to test, like salt or sucrose. * An empty row is provided in case your question add: M