BIO 201 Anatomy & Physiology I Name_________________________________________ Date __________________ Lab 6: Muscle Man/ Tissue Dissection Complete the following tasks for Lab 6 using your lab manual.
Review the muscles of the face on Page 59.
Review the muscles of the trunk and abdomen on Pages 60 and 61.
Review the muscles of the arm on page 62.
Watch the video that reviews the muscles of the head, neck, and abdomen (only focus on
the muscle identified in your lab manual:
Review the muscles of the legs muscles on page 63.
Review the muscles of the posterior leg on Page 64.
Watch the review that reviews the muscles of the leg.
Review the knee model on Page 65. Watch the video:
Review the shoulder joint model on Page 66. Watch the video:
Review the hip joint model on Pages 67-68. Watch the video:
Watching the video at the link that follows, complete Exercise 6-5 on Page 69. Upload a
picture of the completed activity. You can also obtain a chicken leg quarter and perform
this at home. If you do so, you can upload a video of yourself with the assignment for 5
extra credit points.
SSCC Dr. Hall Summer 2020