1. A + 2. A - 3. B + 4. B - 5. O + 6. O - 7. AB + 8. AB -
Now, code the letter(s)
on your scantron form from the choices below that correspond to your numbers.
A. 1-8
B. 1, 3, 5, 7
C. 3,4,7,8
D. 1,2,7,8
E. 2, 6 only
AB. 4, 6 only
AC. 5 and 6 only
AD. 6 only
AE. 2, 4, 6, 8
BC. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8
BD. None of these choices is correct.
Continuing with the above patient, this person can receive blood from the following blood types:
(Use the same method as you did in the previous question, using the same set of choices provided above.)
A sample of a person’s blood agglutinates when mixed with anti-A antibody, and with anti-
B antibody, but NOT with anti-D antibody. What is the blood type of this individual?
a) A + b) A - c) B + d) B - e) O + ab) O - ac) AB + ad) AB –
If the person in the question above required a transfusion, list all of the types that would be compatible. (First, select the blood types you believe are correct, and for yourself, list them by number
from the choices shown below.) 1. A +
2. A - 3. B + 4. B - 5. O + 6. O - 7. AB + 8. AB -
Now, code the letter(s)
on your scantron form from the choices below that correspond to your numbers.
A. 1-8
B. 1-7
C. 3,4,7,8
D. 1,2,7,8
E. 2, 6 only
AB. 4, 6 only
AC. 7, 8 only
AD. 8 only
AE. 2, 4, 6, 8
BC. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8
BD. None of these choices is correct.
24. The same person, at some future date, chooses to become a blood donor
. Who can receive this
generous person’s offering? (Use the same method as you did in the previous question, using the same set of choices provided above.)
When we give a patient a blood transfusion, we are primarily
concerned with:
the donor’s antibodies coagulating with the recipient’s incompatible blood antigens.
the recipient’s antibodies coagulating with the donor’s incompatible blood antigens.
the recipient’s antibodies causing agglutination and hemolysis with the donor’s incompatible blood antigens.
None of the above, the patient will always live because this is their first time for a blood transfusion.
You perform a red blood cell count. The cells were diluted 1:100. You counted 100 cells from 4 squares. The dimensions of the squares you counted are
Height: 0.1mm Width: 0.1mm Length: 1mm. What would be the RBC count in mm
for this person?
A. 3.75 x 10
D. 2.5 x 10
B. 3.75 x 10
E. 2.5 x 10
C. 3.75 x 10
5 AB. Don’t know, don’t care. I’m going home to watch Independence Day.
Consider Hereditary Spherocytosis: If a person’s MCH and RBC count are normal, and cells are clearly microcytic, then MCHC values should be ____1____ and MCV should be ____2____.