22 Biodiversity Exercises



The University of Hong Kong *

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Nov 24, 2024





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1G6 togv , r xet c;;su:, N iie'i ,1no /f)/(:/J:-/\ '(' l ' BJODIV E HSl'J'Y ExERCIS b - Li 1 vi 1 (1 111 )l CJ I I l c;ocie 1y 01 ,, l T ec hl1l)loQY , '" ~-r "E Scwoic:c ~ I :_j II\ SI Sc1t:>11tli1r 111qt i NO S NcJtt im of Science --- -- -- Na11t I I ,\ I R I I I C I I D Ke): + = presen t - = abse nt - - I - ( 'hlorophyll + -- 1-- - ---- - + ------ T- . .__- + Fe atu res --· - - ------ --- - F low ers -- ~ -- - - -- - + - - - + - Seeds f- - + ' + - - h k feature for their classi fi cation. (a) Classi fy th es e four plants into two groups. State t e ey ( 3 marks ) (b) To which s ub-group do es B be long ? State a unique feature of this sub-group. (2 marks) (c) Base d on th e information provided in the table, deduce with reasons the most possible mode of nutrition adopt ed by C. ( 4 marks) --·-------- ---------------- -----
.. 1 the ... uh ,!.! rniip t <i \\' lii cli 11 . :-, f,l l )l _ pL1111 , /} . • )( l \V JJ I 'I I' I ., ;( , c; t11n11- , )C , , .., , h l ,1t1 •· ;1),. , t rr ,, ' 1, I I' , ... ,, I' I I I n ' t I I ( ·I 11 I I'' fr 1r I I<., I {Ii/ fl/I ', I ·r / ( { ~ \\ - ;~ ~ \ ( Total: 12 mark s 1 The diagrams below show a variety of organisms: Must1room Hibiscus Maize Pine Spirogyra M os s 167
N~~ 81 :oq\ --- - I I I - - --- -- --- Go l(l ~ tnable tu produ ce seeds I ( ii} --------- -------- \ (iii) Seeds protected by fru it ( ir I --+ Lea\ es w ith para llel wins Leaves w ith \' e in s in net\\' o rk r,·i J 5 F il ame nt ous ( ri i) No t filam e ntou s ( ri ii) (b) Moss a nd mai ze belong to the same kingdom. Howe\· er they are classified into different s ub - grou ps. ,.~ 168 (i) Na me thi s kin g dom. ( I 1//() /"k I r ii) What is th e s ub - gro up to w hich maize belong ? Give a unique feature of this sub -fJl) llp . ( 2 Jl/() /' ks ) ------- - - ------- - --- - ---- ---- --------- - -- -
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xe r1;;,e St1i n1g rro cannot g row at th e b ( () 01 1 ()111 o" , . I d l l'"- l'I \ . '1 111 W I, \' ' r 2 111 ork, J -- -------·------ - -- - -- ( d) Wh en constructing the key it · . . . is und es 1rab l the orgamsms . Why? c tn u se th e ab ility to prod , 1 . 1 u ce "-CC<, tf> c ,,tm~i11-.h (2 fii{l(t I 3. The ph ot o graph s below s ho w thr ee typ es of plant s : Plant A (M agnificat ion x3) ·- ~~ '1 ' f'., •. -,; ~ - ' ,a , Q~ "• I I •,~ . . ./ , - / .. ., / ' I ~ .1 /~ ~ "., {, 1 ',; ~ /1 Plant B (Magnification x1 /4) -- -- To tal: 11 marks Plant C (Magnification x1 / 4) ( a) Pl a nt s A a nd B belong to th e sa me major gro up w hil e pl ant C belon gs to :. mother group . (i) State one fe at ur e th at di s tin g ui sh es th ese tw o maj or pl a nt gro u ps . I I 111 ,u -k J (ii) Name th e sub-group lO w hi ch eac h of plan ts A ; 111<.I B bc lun gs. (2 morks) --------------· ---------------
(/ I It 1 , \l?P ,m ~dl .. md {/ i lt j, r,', !n,·11:d t•' d,1m11 ('l,1,. t. ,1• 11\ - --------- ----- (c ) The se three plants are Ye r~ s1mihu in 1he1r m ~'. 0.( '..:~ 0: ...:·.:<-~-:-<: ":::\-.' .. ~ ·• repr0ducti\·c s tru .: rurc- s ar c aJapr t' d 1:1."' j i sre rs: 1l Tomi: Q ~: .:r•.i 4. The photographs btl L rn sho\,. :1 , .. m er,· or aninuls : 6 E un
\I I 1 111 · .1 111111 ; 1l. 'i , -. 111\\\ II , 11 : 11, · .I I ( 11 I Ii I If 'I I I I " 11 111 I ' ' I / 1 ' I I I I II I ' 11 1 1 111 1.il 11 .1/1 11 , /JI ( / 1/1 1 /1 j.) 'l' \\(I ,d llh ' li\ C ; 1111111 ; 1I. \ 11 1• 11111 , • I I / l I l I I\' ' · 11 ( 1, ,. l it • ,'' l 1111 11 , I' I I ' I 11 '" ' ,\J 1111, 1l11 ;1 11 j I I};! S · • I I ,11 I I I Ii i I I l JI , ' ' ' I I I I,, I I I I , c;ivc two s lrut · lur;II ;1d : 1pl ; 11i<l1t s ol ( · Ii) Iii 1 11 /( ) I~ I . I . I I Ii( I I ~ I i d) B ca n live on land but E ec 11111ot. Point oul , w ith rea sons, two struc lur al kalur c . ... thal rn.ihlc H .., surv i va l on la nd . (-I 11111r/. 1 J ---- -- --- ----- ----- -------- Total: 9 marks h var iety of a nim a ls : ' >.:: phr,t ogra ph \ below s ow a 171
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17 2 . .. 11 l·l;1ssil'icd i11l o <>Ill' g rrn1p . Na n1 c !hi e., group ,1r I. (td .- \ll tile ;lll\)\'l' ;1 1111n ; il s l'~l'l'pl /\ l " 11 .l le · -li11,. I . l 1· I .. ,1 "1 -- 11i o ni sbasl :t l. (2 n,r i !Il l' ka1ilr l' ()ll " ' lll ' 1 ! )I S l' ;\SS l, ' .l/r ·,1 (b) Th ou~ h bo1h E : md F ha ve si milar body shape a nd li ve in wa ler, Lh ey are c la c.,~if i cd in t<, l\ ;_ri ,. . s t t ·t · u1 r~ l l1 '~c1 :e ·1·en ces be tw ee n E a nd F. (2 /) k diffrrent ~ub -ft'lrnps. tate wo s r ue c, 1 1or , 11 ( c) (i ) State the respiratory structure which is unique to C. ( l111or k1 (ii) 'C is not a true terrestrial animal because it cannot perpetuate without water.' Ex plain why it has to return to water for reproduction. (3 marks ) (d) ·which of the above animal(s) is/are born alive? What is the significance of this spec ial feature? (2 nwrks ) -- --- -------- -- ---- ----------------- - ---- rkS To tal: IO ma
Jhc dia ~2 ,·: 1111s hclow s h°' 1 . 6, \ (\\,()(),., , .· }..t1 111 s, 11 -.; I\ , . .I lle/ B. x --- ~ y I ' ;I 7/ ~ t I B A ( a) Which of the two organisms is av· . ? . u us. G1 ve a reason for your choic e. (] nwrh, (b) State the chemical composition of X and Y. (2 marks ) (i) X -------------------- -------- -- ( ii) y ----------------- - -- -------- -- (c) Both X and N serve a similar function. What is this function? ( J mark ) ( d) A can attack B and multiply inside it. In view of this, how will you describe the re l at ionshi p between A and B. ( I mark) 173
,I.II,' ll\1'1 ll t11 . . . .. 1 . . . t' sl Cii vc ,l reason tor tlfr,. \ l rj , )l l •'ll H 1, lllli~'l'llul:1L II IS 11 ut r l:1ss1tlet ~IS ,l 11 10 I. · l i I\ :.., • r I n10 1 i 1 --- . ·- --· ---- Total: 9 mark s - . , al I 1\ in ~ nr~:misrns arc cla ss ifi ed into s ix kingdoms. Use the following key to identify each of 174 1h c 1-.infd(mb A. B. C. D a nd E. (5 mor ksJ 1. Cells have several linear DNA molecules which are ~eparated from the cytoplasm by a nuclear envelope Cdls h ave circular DNA molecules which are not separated fro m the cytoplasm by a nuclear envelope 2. Body is usua Jly composed of branching thread-like hyphae Body is no t compo se d of hyphae 3. 1nc ludes both unicellular organisms and multicellular orga rn sms Includ es o nly multicellular organisms 4. Autotrophic , non-motile organisms whose cells possess a ce ll ulose ce ll wall .Hc tcrotrophic. usua ll y m ot il e organisms w ho se ce ll s do not ro sscss a ce ll wa lI 5. La ck of peptidog ly can in cell wull Presence of peptidoglycan in ce ll wall go to 2 go to 5 Kingdom A go to 3 Kingdom B o-o to 4 b Kingdom C Ki ngdom D K in gdom E Kingdom E ubacteria
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K 1n f! d () m H J< ,n:_:d, ,m ( f< J 11 .~d, ,rn f J 1' it1 :.! d,1111 L rhJ '/ he 1;,hl<: h<.;Jm\ <. Olll J; ,JrC\ thr ee . 1 . or g <1nl \ lll \ . ( o mpl ctc the table hy 1.v ri tincr the corr c< t \H1rrl t ,r \\ < > r<l~ 1 n th e "J )ace\ J 1 c Jc) \V c ( 4,n (J r/< \J Kinp dom level of / or gc1 ni 1., :..it ion mocJ c (J f nutr iti on I ; ---~- - - -,-----~-- ---- /_ !,:. coli ___ !! _h_ iz_o_p_u_s_s_ JJP _----1, _ __ l_'h_ lo_,_ ·e_ll_a \'J3 ~-, I I r i; j I F un gi (ii) _ t ___ __ _ ____ ,j__ ______ ___ _ prokaryotic eukaryotic (iii) -- - --- -----+-- - - -- ----1 - --- - ------1 s:..iprophytic / paras iti c (i v) autotrophic Total: 9 mar ks t T he.: W hl c below li sts s ome of the popular classification systems that have been de v eloped in the p a..., I: I Sc ie nti.\ 't Linnaeus Chatton Copeland Whittaker Woese etal. Woese et al. - I Ye ar r~f J7J5 1937 1956 1969 1977 1990 _ 'lr opmwl I --· System 2 kingdoms 2 e mpir es 4 kingdoms 5 kingdoms 6 kingdoms 3 domains - - - - -- Eu bacteria Bacteria Prokaryota Prokaryota Prokaryota ( 110/ / reu!ed) Archaebacteria Archaca - ----- Protista Protista <;roup - Protista Funo-i Funui C, 0 Vcg ctahi I i:1 [~ u k:1 r yoi-.1 -------- -•· E uk arya Pl.inUic Plantae Plantae --- ----- - . ---·- A 11i111 a li a Anima li a Animalia Animalia · -.
176 Jr t~n : 1 v 1- ' Nvl : 0 5 ;_ ind C>'u1crW:i I 11 •, t1l' l' ' '', 1, ~d f,~ , C'lv - r1 t, ,r, rn 'J - .. (a) S tat e two nw_ jor di ff cn· 11 c c'i IK'l \VCC 'II I i L: t v..r) n1p 1 r L ,·, !.lr .. ·------ --- - --· -- - ( b) In Wh it ta ker 's 5- kingdom sy ~t cm . fungi arc separated from Kingdom Pla nlat ar,c .... 11L\ \ . 1--. i ngd o m. G ive two rea so ns to support thi s classi fi c at i CJn . 2 Ii r. (c) The classification system of organisms keeps changing over time. Give two re as ons for : hi s. Total: 6 mark s tNOS l