operon questions



New York University *

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Jun 7, 2024





Uploaded by CorporalPower12751

Operon questions Name Gabrielle Tam Section 1. In bacteria with the lac operon, when is the repressor protein present? When lactose is not present 2. Describe the structure of the lactose operon. Include operator, promoter, repressor protein gene and structural genes. Small promoter/operator region, and three larger structural genes (lacZ, lacY, lacA) 3. Describe the regulation of the lactose operon by the presence and absence of lactose. The operon is only expressed when lactose is present and glucose is absent, when lactose is present, the repressor loses the ability to bind to dna, 4. Explain why the regulation of the lactose operon is important to bacteria. It allows bacteria to adapt to different environments/conditions, and regulates energy use efficiently 5. Describe the trp operon. A group of genese that encode emzymes for the aa tryotphan? 6. Explain why the tryptophan operon is important to bacteria. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. In eukaryotes, a promoter is the region of a. a plasmid that binds the enzymes for replication. b. the mRNA that binds to a ribosome. c. DNA that binds RNA polymerase.
d. the mRNA that binds tRNAs. e. None of the answers 2. Which of the following statements about prokaryotes is true? a. They generally live in static environments. b. The most efficient means of regulation of gene expression in these organisms is usually at the level of transcription. c. By making certain proteins only when needed, they save energy and other resources. d. Both They generally live in static environments and The most efficient means of regulation of gene expression in these organisms is usually at the level of transcription e. Both The most efficient means of regulation of gene expression in these organisms is usually at the level of transcription and By making certain proteins only when needed, they save energy and other resources 3. Which of the following statements about operons is false ? a. The structural genes in the operon are either all on or all off at a given time. b. They consist of a cluster of genes with a single promoter. c. Their DNA is transcribed into a single molecule of mRNA. d. They are the units of transcriptional regulation in prokaryotes. e. All of the answers are true; none is false. 4. The lac operon of E. coli consists of a. a promoter. b. an operator. c. three structural genes. d. All answers e. None of the answers 5. Suppose that there is a mutation in the lac operon that prevents the repressor from binding to the operator. In the absence of lactose (or allolactose), the genes of the operon will be _______. In the presence of lactose (or allolactose), the genes will be _______. a. on; on b. on; off c. off; on d. off; off e. None of the answers; in both cases the presence or absence of the co-repressor would dictate whether the genes are on or off. 6. Suppose that a certain enzyme is synthesized whenever the solution in which the cells are growing lacks substance X. When substance X is present, the enzyme is produced only under certain environmental conditions. This phenomenon would most likely be an example of _______ gene regulation. a. inducible b. positive c. negative d. repressible e. positive–negative
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