After reading Hosea 1-3 reflect on the various aspects of the story by answering the following
Put yourself in Hosea's shoes. What would be your response if God told you to marry a
If God said to me, “Go and marry a prostitute,” I would have many mixed emotions (Hosea
1:2 a). My first thought would be why God would want me to marry this person. My second thought
would be to obey God and not question him. Then I would feel as though I had done something wrong
and God was punishing me because of my wrong doing.
Hosea and Gomer's marriage reflects the relationship between YHWH and his people.
Gomer cheats on Hosea, like Israel cheats on YHWH. Is YHWH justified in feeling hurt when his
bride is unfaithful? How would you feel?
I believe that YHWH is justified in felling hurt when Israel
turns against him. I would be equally upset and hurt if my spouse did that to me. “But now bring
charges against Israel—your mother—for she is no longer my wife, and I am no longer her husband”
(Hosea 2:2). That verse explains how I reacted to my ex-husband when he cheated on me. I filed for
divorce and left the marriage. I know the pain YHWH felt when Israel turned their backs on him and
went against his commandments.
At the end of the story (3:1-5), YHWH commands Hosea to go back and love his wife.
Hosea has to pay a price to get her back. How does what Hosea did reflect how YHWH
intercedes for his people?
Hosea’s actions show his true commitment to YHWH. His obedience to
YHWH helped rescue Israel and turn them back to YHWH. “But afterward the people will return and
devote themselves to the Lord their God and to David’s descendant, their king. In the last days, they
will tremble in awe of the Lord and his goodness” (Hosea 3:5). Hosea sacrificed relations with his wife
in order to rescue Israel and bring them back to a place of worship with YHWH.