Hello everyone, my name is Ryan, and I am a 32 year old Marine Veteran, father of four and soon to be five. Humanities is the study of human culture and society; I believe that a basic understanding of the humanities is important both personally and in our professional lives. Everyday we interact more and more with people with different cultural backgrounds and how we interact with each other can be made harder or easier dependent on our understanding of the other person’s cultural norms.
I believe I can apply these values to my professional life buy being able to understand what or where the person or company I am interacting with is saying or coming from. At the end of the day in business, businesses are in business to make money and the road to making money can be smoother
if we take the time to understand and figure out what makes them who they are and to appreciate how
they operate.
I believe that humanities can teach me to continuously expand my knowledge about other cultures and
how to interact with people from those cultures. Often, just knowing that someone we are interacting with is different isn’t enough. Studying humanities can give us the knowledge to clinch the deal or open a line of communication that wouldn’t be there if it didn’t seem like we were interested in understanding the other party.
1. What values do the humanities hold for you personally or for your career goals?
2. How do you think they apply to your professional life?
3. What skills do you think the humanities can teach you?