This ReadMe file was generated by Alexis Herboek and Shayla Armstrong on March 9, 2022
Title of project: Skull Structure and Data Analysis Lab Part 2
Author Information:
Alexis Herboek
Institution: University of Oklahoma
Shayla Armstrong
Institution: University of Oklahoma
Date of data collection: 03/09/2022
Data of data analyses: 03/09/2022 & 03/15/2022
Geographic location of data collection: BIOL 1134-23, Richards Hall 0167, Norman,
Oklahoma, USA
Description of tabs in data file:
Raw_Data: this tab contains the lengths of the in-lever temporalis (ILT), in-lever
masseser (ILM), outer-lever canines/incisor (OLC), and outer-lever molars (OLM), in
millimeters for various carnassials (wolverine, hyena, otter, cheetah, cougar, coyote, seal,
bear, bobcat, black-footed ferret, wolf, skunk, jaguar, racoon), primates (female and male
bonobo, human, siamang, male and female orangutan, chimp, howler, mandrill, and
male and female gorilla), and lanrodungs (sheep, beaver, deer, rabbit, okapi, horse,
prairie dog, capybara, pika, moose, and water deer). To the far right, the calculated
advantages for each species are listed. The ILM/OLM is in column H, the ILT/OLM is in
column I, the ILM/OLC is in column J, and the ILT/OLC is in column K. The species
category is in column A, and the species are in column B. The ILM is in column C, the ILT
is in column D, the OLM is column E, and the OLC is in column F.
Processed_Data: on this tab, we calculated the central tendencies for the ILM/OLC
advantage for each of the species categories. We sorted out the animals between
carnassials, primates, and ladrodung. We put each of the ILM/OLC advantages for the
carnassials in column B, the primate in column C, and the ladrodung in column D. At the
bottom of each column, we listed the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation for
each category. This shows the average ILM/OLC advantage (mean), how much the data
deviates from this average (standard deviation), the center of the range of the data
(median), and the most common advantage (mode).
Analyzed_Data: on this tab, we performed an ANOVA test on the data in the
Processed_Data tab in order to determine if there was a significant difference between
the three data sets. We added what the results told us, and we highlighted the P-value
which is how we determined what the results were from this test. Since the P-value was