ANT101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Locating Scholarly Resources Worksheet Page 1 of 2
Week 2 Assignment 2: Locating Scholarly Resources
Use the three articles that were assigned to you in the Article Selector Quiz. Review the tutorials on Finding an article in the AU Library
and Finding thesis statements
Article 1: In the space below, copy and paste the reference that was provided to you in the Article Selector Quiz.
Adams, T. M., & Fuller, D. B. (2006). The words have changed but the ideology remains the same: Misogynistic lyrics in rap music. Journal of Black Studies, 36(6), 938-957. Retrieved from
the JSTOR database.
Thesis Statement:
Enter the thesis statement in the space below. Remember to enclose this within quotation marks and provide a citation with the author and page number.
“This article examines the use of misogynistic ideology in gangsta rap and traces the connection between its prevalence in rap and the larger cultural picture of how African American
Women have been characterized historically.” ( Adams, Fuller, Pg.939)
Article 2:
In the space below, copy and paste the reference that was provided to you in the Article Selector Quiz.
Buriel, R. (1993). Childrearing orientations in Mexican American families: The influence of generation and sociocultural factors. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 55(4), 987-987. Retrieved from the
ProQuest database.
Thesis Statement: Enter the thesis statement in the space below. Remember to enclose this within quotation marks and provide a citation with the author and page number.
“The generational status of parents and children contributes to sociocultural variations in Mexican American families that have implications for childrearing.” ( Buriel, Raymond, Pg.987)
Article 3: In the space below, copy and paste the reference that was provided to you in the Article Selector Quiz.
Boyer, P. (1992). Explaining religious ideas: Elements of a cognitive approach. Numen, 39(1), 27-57. Retrieved from the JSTOR database.
Thesis Statement:
Enter the thesis statement in the space below. Remember to enclose this within quotation marks and provide a citation with the author and page number.