LAB 01 EXERCISE 01_ ANTHRO 111 _ Lab Human Bio Evol - Rigby J



East Los Angeles College *

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Apr 3, 2024





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2/22/24, 9:48 PM LAB 01 EXERCISE 01: ANTHRO 111 : Lab Human Bio Evol - Rigby J. - SPRING 2024 - SECTION# 17489 1/6 LAB 01 EXERCISE 01 Due No due date Points 16 Questions 16 Time Limit None Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 27 minutes 16 out of 16 Score for this quiz: 16 out of 16 Submitted Feb 9 at 8:10pm This attempt took 27 minutes.  Question 1 1 / 1 pts linguis±c anthropology archaeology biological anthropology Correct! cultural anthropology FEEDBACK: Cultural anthropology studies the prac±ces, beliefs, economics, poli±cs, and gender roles of living people.  (Q001) For each of the scenarios in this exercise, read the research summary provided and answer the ques±ons that follow with a group of your classmates or on your own. SCENARIO A Anthropologists have been studying the role of soybean curd and related products in the culture of Hong Kong. The researchers interview people about how frequently they eat soybean products, where they eat them (at home or in restaurants), and during what ±me of day they eat them. The researchers also ask people about how they prepare soybean products, where they obtain soybean products, and any beliefs they might have about the soybean products (such as their nutri±onal value). The data are used to assess the role of soybean products in the culture. The researchers are also considering how their findings relate to global soybean consump±on pa²erns. What is the primary field of anthropology addressed in this research?
2/22/24, 9:48 PM LAB 01 EXERCISE 01: ANTHRO 111 : Lab Human Bio Evol - Rigby J. - SPRING 2024 - SECTION# 17489 2/6 Question 2 Not yet graded / 1 pts Your Answer:  Question 3 Not yet graded / 1 pts Your Answer:  Question 4 Not yet graded / 1 pts Your Answer:  Question 5 1 / 1 pts (Q002) Are there any other fields of anthropology addressed in this research? Explain your answer. Other areas addressed: archaeology Researchers question the production performance regarding materials and tools used. (Q003) What aspects of context must be considered as part of this research? Certain considerations to be taken in this research study: Product sales and consumption Preparation of product Customs & Beliefs (Q004) How might this research contribute to a compara±ve approach? Research is contributed to comparative approach based on researchers' exploration of: comparison among other countries, by seeking similarities and differences. (Q005) SCENARIO B An anthropologist has been researching how Na±ve Americans in California were impacted by Spanish missioniza±on from 1776 to 1830. The researcher is par±cularly interested in how Na±ve Californians may have nego±ated their iden±ty and balanced tradi±onal prac±ces with colonial influences. Therefore, the anthropologist excavates material remains from areas where the Na±ve Californians may have gone when they fled the Spanish missions. The materials include things such as stone tools, shell beads, and historic bo²le glass. These materials are analyzed and used in conjunc±on with historical documents to help the researcher be²er understand what life was like for Na±ve Californians at that ±me. What is the primary field of anthropology addressed in this research?
2/22/24, 9:48 PM LAB 01 EXERCISE 01: ANTHRO 111 : Lab Human Bio Evol - Rigby J. - SPRING 2024 - SECTION# 17489 3/6 linguis±c anthropology Correct! archaeology biological anthropology cultural anthropology FEEDBACK: Archaeology studies the prac±ces, beliefs, economics, poli±cs, and gender roles of people and cultures of the past.  Question 6 Not yet graded / 1 pts Your Answer:  Question 7 Not yet graded / 1 pts Your Answer:  Question 8 Not yet graded / 1 pts Your Answer:  Question 9 1 / 1 pts (Q006) Are there any other fields of anthropology addressed in this research? Explain your answer. Biological anthropology- Used to go over similarities and differences of any close relatives Biocultural approach - Go over tribes biology and culture (Q007) What aspects of context must be considered as part of this research? Aspects to be considered are: environment during time period importance of beads reasons for relocation (Q008) How might this research contribute to a compara±ve approach? Research contributes to a comparative approach based on data collected to fill in any missing information and be used for comparison of both previous and current tribes that were around that time.
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