3. Describe any trends you see in the wild fish data.
Earlier on in the years, there were more wild fish being harvested and then as time progressed (during the 1990’s) the harvests decreased substantially. In the 1980’s the amount of cod fish harvested was a significant amount above the rest of the fish being harvested. In 2006 the fisherman do not harvest much of Cod and Redfish but more of the Herring fish
. Some wild fish populations change more drastically then other. Suggest reasons for this.
The wild fish population decreased in the 1990’s but the Cod fish in particular decreased by much more than the other fish. I believe the Cod fish dropped by a lot because in that time there might have been a disease in the fish that was spreading. This would cause an increase in mortalities making less harvest for the
farmers. With a disease spreading it would be impossible for the fishers to catch the Cod fish without catching the disease
. What inferences can you draw about sustainability of the wild stocks over time?
When looking at the graph, it is evident that the sustainability of the wild fish is decreasing and will continue to decrease over time. We know this because we can see how over time the harvests are decreasing meaning that the sustainability is also decreasing making it unsustainable.
6. Describe any trends you see in the farmed fish data
In this graph we can see how the trout fish was the first fish to be aquatically harvested in 1986 and the Salmon fish started in the earlier 1990’s. When Salmon harvesting was discovered it was a hit and it continued to increase in popularity and is continuing to increase in popularity.
. What do the data from the farmed fish stocks suggest about the sustainability of aquaculture?
The data in this graph shows that this was a questionable idea at first because there were many disadvantages but over time this has become a growing and popular idea and has increases the sustainable of aquaculture. The sustainability of the aquaculture is increasing