Dear Tod’s and Two’s Families,
My name is Resia Moore, your toddler's lead teacher for this school year. I’m
writing this letter to inform you of the importance of Observation and Assessment
in our classroom. Observation is the process of observing your child in and outside
of the classroom. In attempt to gain clarity on how children learn. While
Assessment is the process of gathering data composed of many observations of
children in their natural environment. Education professionals use Observation
and Assessment to determine children's developmental progress.
Throughout this school year my assistant teachers and I will conduct quarterly
ASQ’s to assess your child’s progress. For those not familiar with ASQ’s (The Ages
and Stages Questionnaire) is a questionnaire designed to screen children’s
communication skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, problem solving skills,
and personal social skills. Observations and Assessments make us educators aware
of what a child knows, struggles with, or can do. These tools allow us to alter our
interactions to better suit your child’s needs and heighten their interest.
Observations followed by well-informed Assessments give educators insight on
how our young scholars communicate, learn, and make sense of their
Upon completion of these observations, I will email parent teacher conference
schedules. These conferences will be scheduled to discuss the results of our
assessments. To discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding your
child. During this time, you will receive a copy of all data collected while observing
and assessing your child’s development. If you would like more research on the
tools that we use to assess your child, you could refer to
I will also
have references accessible during conferences.
The Naeyc code assists teachers, behavioral specialists, and other education
professionals in making the best decisions for our young scholars. The purpose for
Observations and Assessments is to assess young children’s strengths, progress,