Prior to beginning work on this Discussion forum,
In order to start thinking about history, think of a film, video, image,
song, or piece of music that reminds you of an era or event in the
Consider the film, video, image, song or piece of music
that you selected.
Explain why you chose this piece.
Explain what it tells us about the historical event or era it
Think about what you want your classmates to know about
you as a person and your academic, professional, and
personal goals.
Next, start thinking about your work for this course, which will focus
on American history from 1877 to the present. One of the primary
areas of focus in the course will be the examination of political and
civil rights of traditionally disadvantaged groups within American
Society and their struggles for social equity within American society.
To this end, you will select one of the following disadvantaged
groups and examine their experiences throughout the course,
culminating in your Final Paper. (Your group choice does not have to
relate to your chosen historical piece above.)
African Americans
Native Americans/American Indians
Consider which group you have chosen to focus on. Why have you chosen
this group? If you are having trouble deciding, which groups are you most
interested in and why?
"History is not the past, it is the present." - James
Hello class! My name is -----, I am 24 years old and I live in Pennsylvania. I
am attending UAGC for my BA in Psychology. I actually wanted to major in
cultural anthropology because of my love for history and culture, especially
ancient civilizations and cultures, and would like to someday work in a
museum. I am excited to take this course as someone who is invested in the
history of social injustice in the States, as this is something that is VERY
important to me and I will continue to use my voice to speak for those who
are less represented or fear to do so. I grew up in a city called Reading (not
far from Philadelphia) in Pennsylvania where my family was the only white
family in our neighborhood and I am so thankful for this because it truly