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Globalization & Social Cultural Evolution Revisited
Reviewing the chapter on “Globalization,” I learned that technology has also made
the world smaller. Greater interaction between individuals of different countries creates a
sense of worldwide connectedness. One significant point I learned from the chapter is the
categories of globalization, such as; economic globalization, which is the integration of the
world economy through international production, trade, finance, investment, and migration
(Tan, Pg.127-132). The other category is political globalization, which argues that accords
and alliances are integral in determining relationships between countries. The other category
is social and cultural globalization, which dictates that mass production, consumption, and
advertisement are driven by the entertainment culture enabled by technology as it impacts
how individuals see and shape the world around them. The other significant point I learned in
this chapter is Grobalization which is the imperialistic ambitions of nations, corporations, and
organizations that must impose themselves on different geographical areas (Tan, Pg.127-132).
In addition, I learned about Glocalization, which deals with the syncretism of global and local
practices, providing unique characteristics in each local culture. Lastly, it was interesting to
learn about the advice for the future, such as; being prepared to work overseas and relocate,
learn a second or third language, adapt to the changes, and have multicultural and multiracial
children in the family.
Additionally, reviewing the chapter “The Social-Cultural Evolution Revisited,” I
learned that Cultures no matter how strange they appear to be, serve practical purposes, and
the most significant purpose they serve is preserving the human-environmental relationship.
Also, I learned that culture maintains ecological equilibrium, relieves population pressure,
and ensures continuity through the generations (Tan, Pg.133-136). The other significant point
I learned is that environment shapes culture, and culture, in turn, helps preserve the
environment. This is why cultures have contrasting beliefs, superstitions, customs, and