OMBA MOD2 Week 4 Pre-Live Assignment



Boston University *

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Jun 18, 2024





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OMBA MOD2 Week 4 Pre-Live Assignment During the live session, we will use to illustrate the main principles of financial reporting. In preparation for the session, answer the following questions. (1) Property, Plant, and Equipment Amazon bought a warehouse in Nashville TN at the end of 2019 for $22.8 million. Assume that the building itself was valued at $20 million and the land at $2.8. Amazon estimates the warehouse’s remaining useful life as 20 years, with no residual value. Amazon uses straight-line depreciation. Further assume that the building has been appraised at $22 million as of the end of 2022. QUESTION : At the end of 2022, what is the net value of the building on Amazon’s balance sheet? (2) Acquisitions Assume that Amazon decides to acquire Questrom Bakeries for $4 billion, net of cash acquired. On the announcement date of the acquisition, Questrom Bakeries’ market value is $3 billion. Amazon assigns the following value to Questrom Bakeries’ identifiable assets: Assets Liabilities Inventories: $500 million Debt: $500 million Property, Plant, and Equipment: $1.5 billion Recipes: $200 million Brand: $300 million QUESTION : How much goodwill will Amazon record on its balance sheet as part of the transaction? (3) Revenue Recognition Assume that you sign up for Amazon Prime on January 1 st . You pay $139 for a year. QUESTION : How much revenue does Amazon recognize as of January 1? As of July 1?
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