MICROELECTRONIC CIRCUITS W/LAB MAN >P< - 8th Edition - by SEDRA - ISBN 9780197529362

8th Edition
Publisher: OXF
ISBN: 9780197529362


Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 2.3 - The Noninverting ConfigurationChapter 2.4 - Difference AmplifiersChapter 2.5 - Integrators And DifferentiatorsChapter 2.6 - Dc ImperfectionsChapter 2.7 - Effect Of Finite Open-loop Gain And Bandwidth On Circuit PerformanceChapter 2.8 - Large-signal Operation Of Op AmpsChapter 3 - SemiconductorsChapter 3.1 - Intrinsic SemiconductorsChapter 3.2 - Doped SemiconductorsChapter 3.3 - Current Flow In SemiconductorsChapter 3.4 - The Pn JunctionChapter 3.5 - The Pn Junction With An Applied VoltageChapter 3.6 - Capacitive Effects In The Pn JunctionChapter 4 - DiodesChapter 4.1 - The Ideal DiodeChapter 4.2 - Terminal Characteristics Of Junction DiodesChapter 4.3 - Modeling The DiodeChapter 4.5 - Voltage RegulationChapter 4.6 - Rectifier CircuitsChapter 4.7 - Other Diode ApplicationsChapter 5 - Mos Field-effect Transistors (mosfets)Chapter 5.1 - Device Structure And Physical OperationChapter 5.2 - Current–voltage CharacteristicsChapter 5.3 - Mosfet Circuits At DcChapter 5.4 - Technology Scaling (moore’s Law) And Other TopicsChapter 6 - Bipolar Junction Transistors (bjts)Chapter 6.1 - Device Structure And Physical OperationChapter 6.3 - Bjt Circuits At DcChapter 7 - Transistor AmplifiersChapter 7.2 - small-signal Operation And ModelsChapter 7.4 - BiasingChapter 9 - Differential And Multistage AmplifiersChapter 9.3 - Common-mode RejectionChapter 9.4 - Dc OffsetChapter 9.5 - The Differential Amplifier With A Current-mirror LoadChapter 9.6 - Multistage AmplifiersChapter 10 - Frequency ResponseChapter 10.1 - High-frequency Transistor ModelsChapter 10.2 - High-frequency Response Of Cs And Ce AmplifiersChapter 10.3 - The Method Of Open-circuit Time ConstantsChapter 10.4 - High-frequency Response Of Common-gate And Cascode AmplifiersChapter 10.8 - Low-frequency Response Of Discrete-circuit Cs And Ce Amplifiers

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