Problem 1RQ:
Briefly describe three aspects of geology that are especially important to our existence.Problem 3RQ:
Describe the three basic types of rock and the rock cycle. What is a mineral? How do we study rocks...Problem 4RQ:
How are sedimentary strata made, and how do they enable us to determine the relative ages of rocks...Problem 5RQ:
Describe the technique of radiometric dating, and explain how we know it is reliable. Be sure to...Problem 6RQ:
How do fossils form? Do most living organisms leave fossils? Do most fossils contain organic matter?...Problem 9RQ:
Briefly describe how outgassing led to the origin of our oceans and atmosphere. How did Earth's...Problem 11RQ:
Briefly describe Earths core-mantle-crust structure and how it developed this structure. What is the...Problem 12RQ:
Briefly describe the conveyorlike action of plate tectonics and the evidence for this action. How...Problem 13RQ:
Describe how plate tectonics shapes important geological features of Earth, including mid-ocean...Problem 14RQ:
What evidence do we have for the operation of plate tectonics in Earths distant past? Why do we...Problem 15RQ:
What are the three requirements for a planetary magnetic field, and how does Earth meet them? How...Problem 16RQ:
Briefly describe the mechanism by which the greenhouse effect warms a planet. What are the most...Problem 17RQ:
What has happened to most of the carbon dioxide outgassed through Earths history? Describe the...Problem 18RQ:
What are ice ages, and what may cause them? What do we mean by snowball Earth periods, and how might...Problem 19RQ:
Briefly summarize the key ways in which geology is important to Earths long-term habitability.Problem 20RQ:
How do we think the Moon formed, and what evidence supports this model? Why were other models ruled...Problem 21TYU:
We can expect that if there are paleontologists a few million years from now, they will find the...Problem 24TYU:
Although Earth contains its densest material in its core, its quite likely that terrestrial planets...Problem 25TYU:
If you had a time machine that dropped you off on Earth during the Hadean eon, youd be quickly...Problem 26TYU:
If there were no plate tectonics on Earth, our planet would be far too hot to have liquid oceans.Problem 31TYU:
A rocks type (igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary) tells us (a) its age; (b) its chemical...Problem 32TYU:
To learn a rocks age, we must (a) determine its chemical composition; (b) identify its mineral...Problem 33TYU:
Radiometric dating now allows us to determine Earths age to an accuracy of about (a) a billion...Problem 34TYU:
Earths oceans formed (a) during the late stages of accretion as water ice collected on the surface;...Problem 35TYU:
We learn about the heavy bombardment by studying (a) craters and rocks from the Moon; (b) zircon...Problem 36TYU:
Earth has retained a lot of internal heat primarily because of its (a) distance from the Sun; (b)...Problem 37TYU:
Plate tectonics is best described as a process that (a) recycles rock between Earths surface and...Problem 38TYU:
Earth has far less atmospheric carbon dioxide than Venus because (a) Earth was born with less of...Problem 39TYU:
If Earth had more greenhouse gases in its atmosphere, it would (a) heat up; (b) cool off; (c)...Problem 40TYU:
Snowball Earth refers to (a) one of a series of very deep ice ages that occurred more than 500...Problem 41POS:
The Age of Earth. Some people still question whether we have a reasonable knowledge of the age of...Problem 45IF:
Dating Planetary Surfaces. We have discussed two basic techniques for determining the age of a...Problem 46IF:
Earth Without Differentiation. Suppose Earth had never undergone differentiation. How would Earth be...Problem 47IF:
Earth Without Plate Tectonics. Suppose plate tectonics had never begun on Earth. How would Earth be...Problem 49IF:
Feedback Processes in the Atmosphere. As the Sun gradually brightens in the future, how can the CO2...Problem 52IF:
Geological Time. Geological time scales are often written in ways that can mask their significance....Problem 53IF:
Dating Lunar Rocks. You are analyzing Moon rocks that contain small amounts of uranium-238, which...Problem 54IF:
Carbon-14 Dating. The half-life of carbon-14 is about 5700 years. a. You find a piece of cloth...Problem 55IF:
Martian Meteorite. Some unusual meteorites thought to be chips from Mars contain small amounts of...Problem 56IF:
Internal vs. External Heating. In daylight, Earths surface absorbs about 400 watts per square meter....Problem 57IF:
Plate Tectonics. Typical motions of one plate relative to another are 2 centimeters per year. At...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - A Universe Of Life?Chapter 2 - The Science Of Life In The UniverseChapter 3 - The Universal Context Of LifeChapter 4 - The Habitability Of EarthChapter 5 - The Nature Of Life On EarthChapter 6 - The Origin And Evolution Of Life On EarthChapter 7 - Searching For Life In Our Solar SystemChapter 8 - MarsChapter 9 - Life On Jovian MoonsChapter 10 - The Nature And Evolution Of Habitability
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