Essential University Physics: Volume 2 (3rd Edition) - 3rd Edition - by Richard Wolfson - ISBN 9780321976420

Essential University Physics: Volume 2 ...
3rd Edition
Richard Wolfson
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780321976420

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Chapter 21.4 - Using Gauss's LawChapter 21.5 - Fields Of Arbitrary Charge DistributionsChapter 21.6 - Gauss's Law And ConductorsChapter 22 - Electric PotentialChapter 22.1 - Electric Potential DifferenceChapter 22.2 - Calculating Potential DifferenceChapter 22.3 - Potential Difference And The Electric FieldChapter 23 - Electrostatic Energy And CapacitorsChapter 23.1 - Electrostatic EnergyChapter 23.2 - CapacitorsChapter 23.3 - Using CapacitorsChapter 23.4 - Energy In The Electric FieldChapter 24 - Electric CurrentChapter 24.1 - Electric CurrentChapter 24.2 - Conduction MechanismsChapter 24.3 - Resistance And ohm's LawChapter 24.4 - Electric PowerChapter 24.5 - Electrical SafetyChapter 25 - Electric CircuitsChapter 25.1 - Circuits, Symbols, And Electromative ForceChapter 25.2 - Series And Parallel ResistorsChapter 25.3 - Kirchhoff's Laws And Multiloop CircuitsChapter 25.4 - Electrical MeasurmentsChapter 25.5 - Capacitors In CircuitsChapter 26 - Magnetism: Force And FieldChapter 26.2 - Magnetic Force And FieldChapter 26.3 - Charged Particles In Magnetic FieldsChapter 26.4 - The Magnetic Force On A CurrentChapter 26.5 - Origin Of The Magnetic FieldChapter 26.6 - Magnetic DipolesChapter 26.7 - Magnetic MatterChapter 26.8 - Ampere's LawChapter 27 - Electromagnetic InductionChapter 27.3 - Induction And EnergyChapter 27.5 - Magnetic EnegryChapter 27.6 - Induced Electric FieldsChapter 28 - Alternating-Current CircuitsChapter 28.1 - Alternating CurrentChapter 28.2 - Circuit Elements In Ac CircuitsChapter 28.3 - Lc CicuitsChapter 28.4 - Driven Rlc Circuits And ResonanceChapter 28.5 - Power In Ac CircuitsChapter 28.6 - Transformers And Power SuppliesChapter 29 - Maxwell's Equations And Electromagnetic WavesChapter 29.2 - Ambiguity In Ampere's LawChapter 29.5 - Properties Of Electromagnetic WavesChapter 29.6 - The Electromagentic SpectrumChapter 29.7 - Producing Electromagnetic WavesChapter 29.8 - Energy And Momentum In Electromagnetic WavesChapter 30 - Reflection And RefractionChapter 30.1 - ReflectionChapter 30.2 - RefractionChapter 30.3 - Total Internal ReflectionChapter 30.4 - DispersionChapter 31 - Images And Optical InstrumentsChapter 31.1 - Images With MirrorsChapter 31.2 - Images With LensesChapter 31.3 - Refraction In Lenses: The DetailsChapter 31.4 - Optical InstrumentsChapter 32 - Interference And DiffractionChapter 32.1 - Coherence And InterferenceChapter 32.2 - Double-Slit InterferenceChapter 32.4 - InterferometryChapter 32.5 - Huygen's Principle And DiffractionChapter 32.6 - The Diffraction LimitChapter 33 - RelativityChapter 33.2 - Matter, Motion, And The EtherChapter 33.4 - Space And Time In RelativityChapter 33.5 - Simultaneity Is RelativeChapter 33.7 - Energy And Momentum In RelativityChapter 34 - Particles And WavesChapter 34.2 - Blackbody RadiationChapter 34.3 - PhotonsChapter 34.4 - Atomic Spectra And Bohr AtomChapter 34.5 - Matter WavesChapter 34.6 - The Uncertainty PrincipleChapter 35 - Quantum MechanicsChapter 35.1 - Particles, Waves, And ProbabilityChapter 35.2 - The Schrodinger EquationChapter 35.3 - Particles And PotentialsChapter 35.4 - Quantum Mechanics In Three DimensionsChapter 36 - Atomic PhysicsChapter 36.1 - The Hydrogen AtomChapter 36.2 - Electron SpinChapter 36.3 - The Exclusion PrincipleChapter 36.4 - Multielectron Atoms And The Periodic TableChapter 36.5 - Transitions And Atomic SpectraChapter 37 - Molecules And SolidsChapter 37.1 - Molecular BondingChapter 37.2 - Molecular Energy LevelsChapter 37.3 - SolidsChapter 38 - Nuclear PhysicsChapter 38.1 - Elements, Isotopes, And Nuclear StructureChapter 38.2 - RadioactivityChapter 38.3 - Binding Energy And NucleosynthesisChapter 38.4 - Nuclear FissionChapter 38.5 - Nuclear FusionChapter 39 - From Quarks To The Cosmos

Book Details

Just the Essentials

Richard Wolfson’s Essential University Physics, Third Edition is a concise and progressive calculus-based physics textbook that offers clear writing, great problems, and relevant real-life applications in an affordable and streamlined text. Essential University Physics teaches sound problem-solving skills, emphasizes conceptual understanding, and makes connections to the real world. Features such as annotated figures and step-by-step problem-solving strategies help students master concepts and solve problems with confidence.

Essential University Physics is offered as two paperback volumes available together or for sale individually.

Also available with MasteringPhysics

MasteringPhysics from Pearson is the leading online homework, tutorial, and assessment system, designed to improve results by engaging students before, during, and after class with powerful content. Instructors ensure students arrive ready to learn by assigning educationally effective content before class, and encourage critical thinking and retention with in-class resources such as Learning Catalytics. Students can further master concepts after class through assignments that provide hints and answer-specific feedback. The Mastering gradebook records scores for all automatically graded assignments in one place, while diagnostic tools give instructors access to rich data to assess student understanding and misconceptions.

Mastering brings learning full circle by continuously adapting to each student and making learning more personal than ever–before, during, and after class.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Essential University Physics With Masteringphysics (2 Vol. Set And Student Access Kit)
1st Edition
ISBN: 9780805302967
Essential University Physics
4th Edition
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Essential University Physics Volume 2 With Masteringphysics For Essential University Physics
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