Environmental Science - 14th Edition - by William P Cunningham Prof., Mary Ann Cunningham Professor - ISBN 9781260153125

Environmental Science
14th Edition
William P Cunningham Prof., Mary Ann Cunningham Professor
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9781260153125

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Chapter 3 - Matter, Energy, And LifeChapter 3.1 - Elements Of LifeChapter 3.2 - EnergyChapter 3.3 - Energy For LifeChapter 3.4 - From Species To EcosystemsChapter 3.5 - Material CyclesChapter 4 - Evolution, Biological Communities, And Species InteractionsChapter 4.1 - Evolution Produces Species DiversityChapter 4.2 - Species Interactions Shape Biological CommunitiesChapter 4.3 - Community Properties Affect Species And PopulationsChapter 4.4 - Communities Are Dynamic And Change Over TimeChapter 5 - Biomes: Global Patterns Of LifeChapter 5.1 - Terrestrial BiomesChapter 5.2 - Marine EcosystemChapter 5.3 - Freshwater EcosystemsChapter 5.4 - Human DisturbanceChapter 6 - Population BiologyChapter 6.1 - Dynamics Of Population GrowthChapter 6.2 - Factors That Regulate Population GrowthChapter 6.3 - Population Size And ConservationChapter 7 - Human PopulationsChapter 7.1 - Population GrowthChapter 7.2 - Perspectives On Population GrowthChapter 7.3 - Many Factors Determine Population GrowthChapter 7.4 - The Demographic Transition ModelChapter 8 - Environmental Health And ToxicologyChapter 8.1 - Environmental HealthChapter 8.2 - ToxicologyChapter 8.3 - The Movement, Distribution, And Fate Of Toxic SubstancesChapter 8.4 - Toxicity And Risk AssessmentChapter 8.5 - Establishing Health PolicyChapter 9 - Food And HungerChapter 9.1 - World Food And NutritionChapter 9.2 - Key Food SourcesChapter 9.3 - The Green Revolution And Genetic EngineeringChapter 9.4 - Food Production PoliciesChapter 10 - Farming: Conventional And Sustainable PracticesChapter 10.1 - What Is Soil?Chapter 10.2 - How Do We Use, Abuse, And Conserve Soils?Chapter 10.3 - Pests And PesticidesChapter 10.4 - Organic And Sustainable AgricultureChapter 11 - Biodiversity: Preserving SpeciesChapter 11.1 - Biodiversity And The Species ConceptChapter 11.2 - What Threatens Biodiversity?Chapter 11.3 - Endangered Species ManagementChapter 11.4 - Captive Breeding And Species Survival PlansChapter 12 - Biodiversity: Preserving LandscapesChapter 12.1 - World ForestsChapter 12.2 - GrasslandsChapter 12.3 - Parks And PreservesChapter 13 - Restoration EcologyChapter 13.1 - Helping Nature HealChapter 13.2 - Restoration Is Good For Human Economies And CulturesChapter 13.3 - Restoring PrairiesChapter 13.4 - Restoring Wetlands And StreamsChapter 14 - Geology And Earth ResourcesChapter 14.1 - Earth Processes And MineralsChapter 14.2 - Earth ResourcesChapter 14.3 - Environmental Effects Of Resource ExtractionChapter 14.4 - Geological HazardsChapter 15 - Climate ChangeChapter 15.1 - What Is The Atmosphere?Chapter 15.2 - Regional Patterns Of WeatherChapter 15.3 - Natural Climate VariabilityChapter 15.4 - Anthropogenic Climate ChangeChapter 15.5 - What Effects Are We Seeing?Chapter 15.6 - Envisioning SolutionsChapter 16 - Air PollutionChapter 16.1 - Major Pollutants In Our AirChapter 16.2 - Atmospheric ProcessesChapter 16.3 - Effects Of Air PollutionChapter 16.4 - Pollution ControlChapter 17 - Water Use And ManagementChapter 17.1 - Water ResourcesChapter 17.2 - Water Availability And UseChapter 17.3 - Freshwater ShortagesChapter 17.4 - Water ConservationChapter 18 - Water PollutionChapter 18.1 - Water PollutionChapter 18.2 - Water Quality TodayChapter 18.3 - Water Pollution ControlChapter 18.4 - Water LegislationChapter 19 - Conventional EnergyChapter 19.1 - Energy Resources And UsesChapter 19.2 - CoalChapter 19.3 - OilChapter 19.4 - Natural GasChapter 19.5 - Nuclear PowerChapter 20 - Sustainable EnergyChapter 20.1 - Energy EfficiencyChapter 20.2 - Solar EnergyChapter 20.3 - WindChapter 20.4 - Fuel Cells And BiomassChapter 20.5 - Hydropower, Tidal , And Geothermal EnergyChapter 21 - Solid, Toxic, And Hazardous WasteChapter 21.1 - What Do We Do With Waste?Chapter 21.2 - Shrinking The Waste StreamChapter 21.3 - Hazardous And Toxic WastesChapter 22 - Urbanization And Sustainable CitiesChapter 22.1 - UrbanizationChapter 22.2 - Urban Challenges In The Developing WorldChapter 22.3 - Urban Challenges In The Developed WorldChapter 22.4 - Smart GrowthChapter 23 - Ecological EconomicsChapter 23.1 - Perspectives On The EconomyChapter 23.2 - Ecological EconomicsChapter 23.3 - Population, Scarcity, And TechnologyChapter 23.4 - Measuring GrowthChapter 23.5 - Can Markets Reduce Pollution?Chapter 23.6 - Green Development And BusinessChapter 24 - Environmental Policy, Law, And PlanningChapter 24.1 - Basic Concepts In PolicyChapter 24.2 - Major Environmental LawsChapter 24.3 - How Are Policies Made?Chapter 24.4 - International ConventionsChapter 24.5 - New Approaches To PolicyChapter 25 - What Then Shall We Do?Chapter 25.1 - Making A DifferenceChapter 25.2 - What Can Individuals Do?Chapter 25.3 - How Can We Work Together?Chapter 25.4 - Campus GreeningChapter 25.5 - Sustainability Is A Global Challenge

Book Details

Environmental Science: A Global Concern is a comprehensive presentation of environmental science for non-science majors which emphasizes critical thinking, environmental responsibility, and global awareness. This book is intended for use in a one or two-semester course in environmental science, human ecology, or environmental studies at the college or advanced placement high school level. As practicing scientists and educators, the Cunningham author team brings decades of experience in the classroom, in the practice of science, and in civic engagement. This experience helps give students a clear sense of what environmental science is and why it matters in this exciting, new 13th edition. 

Environmental Science: A Global Concern provides readers with an up-to-date, introductory global view of essential themes in environmental science. The authors balance evidence of serious environmental challenges with ideas about what we can do to overcome them. An entire chapter focuses on ecological restoration; one of the most important aspects of ecology today. Case studies in most chapters show examples of real progress, and "What Can You Do?" lists give students ideas for contributing to solutions.

Sample Solutions for this Textbook

We offer sample solutions for Environmental Science homework problems. See examples below:

Explanation: About 40 yrs ago, soybeans were minor crop in Brazil. However, since 1975 the total...Explanation: Endangered species are those species which are in danger of extinction. Examples are...Explanation: Paper and pulp are the fastest and important growing sector of the wood market. Due to...Explanation: The process of converting a damaged ecosystem as it was before is known as restoration....Explanation: The earth materials are those are produced from the earth’s crust. The formation of...Explanation: Climate change is a result of human activities like deforestation, industrialization,...Explanation: The indoor air quality might be improved by adopting the strategies stated below. 1....Explanation: The condensation of water vapors present in the air and their fall under the effect of...Explanation: In controlling the water pollution, government plays an important role. The treatments...Explanation: Nuclear fission is the procedure that is utilized as a part of nuclear reactors to...Explanation: The renewable sources as alternative sources of energy are preferred in US region and...Explanation: For the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota a toxic waste disposal site has...Explanation: Most of energy consumption, inappropriate industrialization, destruction of forest and...Explanation: The irreplaceable natural resources are also known as the non-renewable resources....Explanation: Environmental protection is a method by which the natural environment gets protected...Explanation: The international organization that works on the environmental issues and encourages...

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