Problem 5.1QPP:
The second paragraph of this chapter argues that a retail building that is damaged during an...Problem 5.2QPP:
Why would the AASHTO separate structural dead loads from wearing surface dead loads and use...Problem 5.3QPP:
A proposed column has the following design loads: Axial load: PD=200k,PL=170k,PE=50k,PW=60k (all...Problem 5.5QPP:
A proposed column has the following design loads:
Axial load:
(all compression)
Shear...Problem 5.7QPP:
A certain foundation will experience a bearing capacity failure when it is subjected to a downward...Problem 5.8QPP:
A bridge foundation has a nominal load capacity of 1,700 kN. If the resistance factor for this...Problem 5.9QPP:
A steel pile foundation with a cross-sectional area of 15.5in2 and fy=50k/in2 is to carry axial...Problem 5.10QPP:
A timber pile 400 mm in diameter is subjected to the following axial compressive loads:...Problem 5.11QPP:
A seven-story steel-frame office building will have columns spaced 7 m on-center and will have...Problem 5.12QPP:
A two-story reinforced concrete art museum is to be built using an unusual architectural design. It...Problem 5.13QPP:
A 40ft60ft one-story agricultural storage building will have corrugated steel siding and no interior...Problem 5.14QPP:
A sandy soil has 0.03 percent sulfates. Evaluate the potential for sulfate attack of concrete...Problem 5.15QPP:
A certain clayey soil contains 0.30 percent sulfates. Would you anticipate a problem with concrete...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 2 - Uncertainty And Risk In Foundation DesignChapter 3 - Soil MechanicsChapter 4 - Subsurface Investigation And CharacterizationChapter 5 - Performance RequirementsChapter 6 - Shallow FoundationsChapter 7 - Spread Footings—geotechnical Ultimate Limit StatesChapter 8 - Spread Footings Geotechnical Serviceability Limit StatesChapter 15 - Driven Piles—axial Load Capacity Based On Static Analysis Methods
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More Editions of This Book
Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:
Foundation Design: Principles And Practices, 2nd Edition
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780131784611
Foundation Design: Principles and Practices (2nd Edition)
2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780135897065
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780100663039
Foundation Design: Principles and Practices (3rd Edition)
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780133411898
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