Problem 1CQ:
If an object is not moving, does that mean that there are no forces acting on it? Explain.Problem 2CQ:
An object moves in a straight line at a constant speed. Is it true that there must be no forces of...Problem 3CQ:
If you know all of the forces acting on a moving object, can you tell in which direction the object...Problem 4CQ:
Three arrows are shot horizontally. They have left the bow and are traveling parallel to the ground...Problem 5CQ:
A carpenter wishes to tighten the heavy head of his hammer onto its light handle. Which method shown...Problem 6CQ:
Internal injuries in vehicular acci-dents may be due to what is called the third collision. The...Problem 7CQ:
Heres a great everyday use of the physics described in this chapter. If you are trying to get...Problem 9CQ:
Suppose you are an astronaut in deep space, far from any source of gravity. You have two objects...Problem 10CQ:
Jonathan accelerates away from a stop sign. His eight-year-old daughter sits in the passenger seat....Problem 11CQ:
Normally, jet engines push air out the back of the engine, resulting in forward thrust, but...Problem 12CQ:
If you are standing still, the upward normal force on you from the floor is equal in magnitude to...Problem 13CQ:
Josh and Taylor, standing face-to-face on frictionless ice, push off each other, causing each to...Problem 14CQ:
A person sits on a sloped hillside. Is it ever possible to have the static friction force on this...Problem 15CQ:
Walking without slipping requires a static friction force between your feet (or footwear) and the...Problem 16CQ:
Figure 4.30 b showed a situation in which the force of the road on the cars tire points forward. In...Problem 17CQ:
Alyssa pushes to the right on a filing cabinet; the friction force from the floor pushes on it to...Problem 18CQ:
A very smart three-year-old child is given a wagon for her birthday. She refuses to use it. After...Problem 19CQ:
The tire on this drag racer is severely twisted: The force of the road on the tire is quite large...Problem 20CQ:
Suppose that, while in a squatting position, you stand on your hands, and then you pull up on your...Problem 21MCQ:
A block has acceleration a when pulled by a string. If two identical blocks are glued together and...Problem 22MCQ:
A 5.0 kg block has an acceleration of 0.20 m/s2 when a force is exerted on it. A second block has an...Problem 23MCQ:
Tennis balls experience a large drag force. A tennis ball is hit so that it goes straight up and...Problem 24MCQ:
A group of students is making model cars that will be propelled by model rocket engines. These...Problem 25MCQ:
A person gives a box a shove so that it slides up a ramp, then reverses its motion and slides down....Problem 26MCQ:
A person is pushing horizontally on a box with a constant force, causing it to slide across the...Problem 27MCQ:
As shown in the chapter, scallops use jet propulsion to move from one place to another. Their shells...Problem 28MCQ:
Dave pushes his four-year-old son Thomas across the snow on a sled. As Dave pushes, Thomas speeds...Problem 29MCQ:
Figure Q4.29 shows block A sitting on top of block B. A constant force F is exerted on block B,...Problem 1P:
Whiplash injuries during an automobile accident are caused by the inertia of the head. If someone is...Problem 2P:
An automobile has a head-on collision. A passenger in the car experiences a compression injury to...Problem 3P:
In a head-on collision, an infant is much safer in a child safety seat when the seat is installed...Problem 4P:
Problems 4 through 6 show two forces acting on an object at rest. Redraw the diagram, then add a...Problem 5P:
Problems 4 through 6 show two forces acting on an object at rest. Redraw the diagram, then add a...Problem 6P:
Problems 4 through 6 show two forces acting on an object at rest. Redraw the diagram, then add a...Problem 7P:
A mountain climber is hanging from a vertical rope, far above the ground and far from the rock face....Problem 8P:
You look up from your textbook and observe a spider, motionless above you, suspended from a strand...Problem 9P:
A baseball player is sliding into second base. Identify the forces on the baseball player.Problem 10P:
A jet plane is speeding down the runway during takeoff. Air resistance is not negligible. Identify...Problem 11P:
A skier is sliding down a 15 slope. Friction is not negligible. Identify the forces on the skier.Problem 12P:
A falcon is hovering above the ground, then suddenly pulls in its wings and begins to fall toward...Problem 13P:
Figure P4.13 shows an acceleration-versus-force graph for three objects pulled by rubber bands. The...Problem 14P:
A constant force applied to object A causes it to accelerate at 5 m/s2. The same force applied to...Problem 15P:
A compact car has a maximum acceleration of 4.0 m/s2 when it carries only the driver and has a total...Problem 16P:
A constant force is applied to an object, causing the object to accelerate at 10 m/s2. What will the...Problem 17P:
A constant force is applied to an object, causing the object to accelerate at 8.0 m/s2. What will...Problem 18P:
A man pulling an empty wagon causes it to accelerate at 1.4 m/s2 What will the acceleration be if he...Problem 19P:
A car has a maximum acceleration of 5.0 m/s2 What will the maximum acceleration be if the car is...Problem 20P:
Scallops eject water from their shells to provide a thrust force. The graph shows a smoothed graph...Problem 21P:
Figure P4.21 shows an objects acceleration-versus-force graph. What is the objects mass? Figure...Problem 22P:
In t-ball, young players use a bat to hit a stationary ball off a stand. The 140 g ball has about...Problem 23P:
Two children fight over a 200 g stuffed bear. The 25 kg boy pulls to the right with a 15 N force and...Problem 24P:
A 1500 kg car is traveling along a straight road at 20 m/s. Two seconds later its speed is 21 m/s....Problem 25P:
The motion of a very massive object can be minimally affected by what would seem to be a substantial...Problem 26P:
Very small forces can have tremendous effects on the motion of very small objects. This is...Problem 27P:
Problems 27 through 29 show a free-body diagram. For each problem, (a) redraw the free-body diagram...Problem 28P:
Problems 27 through 29 show a free-body diagram. For each problem, (a) redraw the free-body diagram...Problem 29P:
Problems 27 through 29 show a free-body diagram. For each problem, (a) redraw the free-body diagram...Problem 30P:
Problems 30 through 38 describe a situation. For each problem, identify all the forces acting on the...Problem 31P:
Problems 30 through 38 describe a situation. For each problem, identify all the forces acting on the...Problem 32P:
Problems 30 through 38 describe a situation. For each problem, identify all the forces acting on the...Problem 33P:
Problems 30 through 38 describe a situation. For each problem, identify all the forces acting on the...Problem 34P:
Problems 30 through 38 describe a situation. For each problem, identify all the forces acting on the...Problem 35P:
Problems 30 through 38 describe a situation. For each problem, identify all the forces acting on the...Problem 36P:
Problems 30 through 38 describe a situation. For each problem, identify all the forces acting on the...Problem 37P:
Problems 30 through 38 describe a situation. For each problem, identify all the forces acting on the...Problem 38P:
Problems 30 through 38 describe a situation. For each problem, identify all the forces acting on the...Problem 39P:
Three ice skaters, numbered 1, 2, and 3, stand in a line, each with her hands on the shoulders of...Problem 40P:
A girl stands on a sofa. Identify all the action/reaction pairs of forces between the girl and the...Problem 41P:
A car is skidding to a stop on a level stretch of road. Identify all the action/reaction pairs of...Problem 42P:
Squid use jet propulsion for rapid escapes. A squid pulls water into its body and then rapidly...Problem 43GP:
Redraw the motion diagram shown in Figure P4.43, then draw a vector beside it to show the direction...Problem 44GP:
Redraw the motion diagram shown in Figure P4.44, then draw a vector beside it to show the direction...Problem 45GP:
Redraw the motion diagram shown in Figure P4.45, then draw a vector beside it to show the direction...Problem 46GP:
Redraw the motion diagram shown in Figure P4.46, then draw a vector beside it to show the direction...Problem 47GP:
A student draws the flawed free-body diagram shown in Figure P4.47 to represent the forces acting on...Problem 48GP:
A student draws the flawed free-body diagram shown in Figure P4.48 to represent the forces acting on...Problem 49GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 50GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 51GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 52GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 53GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 54GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 55GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 56GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 57GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 58GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 59GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 60GP:
Problems 49 through 61 describe a situation. For each problem, draw a motion diagram, a force...Problem 61GP:
A bag of groceries is on the back seat of your car as you stop for a stop light. The bag does not...Problem 62GP:
A car has a mass of 1500 kg. If the driver applies the brakes while on a gravel road, the maximum...Problem 63GP:
A rubber ball bounces. Wed like to understand how the ball bounces. a. A rubber ball has been...Problem 64GP:
If a car stops suddenly, you feel thrown forward. Wed like to understand what happens to the...Problem 65GP:
The fastest pitched baseball was clocked at 46 m/s. If the pitcher exerted his force (assumed to be...Problem 66GP:
The froghopper, champion leaper of the insect world, can jump straight up at 4.0 m/s. The jump...Problem 67GP:
A beach ball is thrown straight up, and some time later it lands on the sand. Is the magnitude of...Problem 68MSPP:
If your car is stuck in the mud and you dont have a winch to pull it out, you can use a piece of...Problem 69MSPP:
If your car is stuck in the mud and you don't have a winch to pull it out, you can use a piece of...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - Representing MotionChapter 2 - Motion In One DimensionChapter 3 - Vectors And Motion In Two DimensionsChapter 4 - Forces And Newton's Laws Of MotionChapter 5 - Applying Newton's LawsChapter 6 - Circular Motion, Orbits, And GravityChapter 7 - Rotational MotionChapter 8 - Equilibrium And ElasticityChapter 9 - MomentumChapter 10 - Energy And Work
Chapter 11 - Using EnergyChapter 12 - Thermal Properties Of MatterChapter 13 - FluidsChapter 14 - OscillationsChapter 15 - Traveling Waves And SoundChapter 16 - Superposition And Standing WavesChapter 17 - Wave OpticsChapter 18 - Ray OpticsChapter 19 - Optical InstrumentsChapter 20 - Electric Fields And ForcesChapter 21 - Electrical PotentialChapter 22 - Current And ResistanceChapter 23 - CircuitsChapter 24 - Magnetic Fields And ForcesChapter 25 - Electromagnetic Induction And Electromagnetic WavesChapter 26 - Ac ElectricityChapter 27 - RelativityChapter 28 - Quantum PhysicsChapter 29 - Atoms And MoleculesChapter 30 - Nuclear PhysicsChapter P.1 - Summary Force And MotionChapter P.2 - Summary Conservation LawsChapter P.3 - Summary Properties Of MatterChapter P.4 - Summary Oscillations And WavesChapter P.5 - Summary OpticsChapter P.6 - Summary Electricity And MagnetismChapter P.7 - Summary Modern Physics
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We offer sample solutions for EBK COLLEGE PHYSICS homework problems. See examples below:
Chapter 1, Problem 1CQChapter 2, Problem 1CQChapter 3, Problem 1CQChapter 4, Problem 1CQChapter 5, Problem 1CQChapter 6, Problem 1CQChapter 7, Problem 1CQChapter 8, Problem 1CQChapter 9, Problem 1CQ
Chapter 10, Problem 1CQChapter 11, Problem 1CQChapter 12, Problem 1CQChapter 13, Problem 1CQChapter 14, Problem 1CQChapter 15, Problem 1CQChapter 16, Problem 1CQChapter 17, Problem 1CQExplanation: During the solar eclipse, the moon comes in between the sun and the Earth. The rays...Chapter 19, Problem 1CQChapter 20, Problem 1CQChapter 21, Problem 1CQChapter 22, Problem 3CQChapter 23, Problem 1CQChapter 24, Problem 1CQDefinition of Lenz’s law: “The changing magnetic flux linked to the closed conducting loop products...Chapter 26, Problem 1CQExplanation: If the case considered is that the airplane is moving with a constant velocity such...Consider the expression of Bragg condition. 2dcosθ1=mλ (1) Here, d is the spacing between the atomic...Explanation: Emission spectrum of the elements shows colors due to the electrons excited by...Explanation: Consider the expression for atomic mass. A=Z+N Here, Z is the number of protons and N...
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