Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management - 11th Edition - by Steven, Steven Morris, Carlos Coronel, Carlos, Coronel, Carlos; Morris, Carlos Coronel and Steven Morris, Carlos Coronel; Steven Morris, Steven Morris; Carlos Coronel - ISBN 9781285196145

Database Systems: Design, Implementatio...
11th Edition
Steven, Steven Morris, Carlos Coronel, Carlos, Coronel, Carlos; Morris, Carlos Coronel and Steven Morris, Carlos Coronel; Steven Morris, Steven Morris; Carlos Coronel
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781285196145

Solutions for Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management

Book Details

Practical and easy to understand, DATABASE SYSTEMS: DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, AND MANAGEMENT, Eleventh Edition, gives students a solid foundation in database design and implementation. Filled with visual aids such as diagrams, illustrations, and tables, this market-leading text provides in-depth coverage of database design, demonstrating that the key to successful database implementation is in proper design of databases to fit within a larger strategic view of the data environment. Renowned for its clear, straightforward writing style, this text provides students with an outstanding balance of theory and practice. The eleventh edition has been thoroughly updated to include hot topics such as green computing/sustainability for modern data centers, the role of redundant relationships, and examples of web-database connectivity and code security. In addition, new review questions, problem sets, and cases have been added throughout the book so that students have multiple opportunities to test their understanding and develop real and useful design skills.

Sample Solutions for this Textbook

We offer sample solutions for Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management homework problems. See examples below:

Entity Supertype: The entity supertype is an entity type that has the relation with one or more...Normalization: The process used to minimize data redundancy and dependency in a relational database...Construct the dependency diagram with all partial and transitive dependencies: The relational schema...Construct the dependency diagram with all partial and transitive dependencies: The relational schema...Difference between “WHERE” and “HAVING” clause: “WHERE” clause “HAVING” clause “WHERE” clause is...Using “DATE” data type than character data type: It is preferable to use “DATE” data type than...Chapter 8, Problem 1RQInformation system: A system that is designed in transforming the data into information is called as...Order in which the design of the database made for the ABC car service and repair Centers: The...Explanation of the given statement: The given statement is “A transaction is a logical unit of...Number of database request identified for an inventory update for both PRODUCT and PART: The number...SQL performance tuning: SQL performance tuning is a process that takes place at the client side. The...Evolution from centralized Database Management System (DBMS) to distributed Database Management...Business Intelligence (BI): Business intelligence defines applications, technologies and practices...Database Connectivity and uses: Database connectivity includes the application programs used for...Difference between Data and Information: Data Information Data is a raw material to an end user....

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Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

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Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management
13th Edition
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Bundle: Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management, 13th + Mindtap Mis, 1 Term (6 Months) Printed Access Card
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MindTap MIS, 1 term (6 months) Printed Access Card for Coronel/Morris' Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management, 13th (MindTap Course List)
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