Business in Action Plus MyLab Intro to Business with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (8th Edition) - 8th Edition - by Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill - ISBN 9780134473642

Business in Action Plus MyLab Intro to ...
8th Edition
Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780134473642

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Chapter 2.3 - The Forces Of Demand And SupplyChapter 2.4 - The Macro View: Understanding How An economy OperatesChapter 2.5 - Government’s Role In A Free-market SystemChapter 2.6 - Economic Measures And MonitorsChapter 3 - The Global MarketplaceChapter 3.1 - Fundamentals Of International TradeChapter 3.2 - Conflicts In International TradeChapter 3.3 - International Trade OrganizationsChapter 3.4 - The Global Business EnvironmentChapter 3.5 - Forms Of International Business ActivityChapter 3.6 - Strategic Approaches To International MarketsChapter 4 - Business Ethics And Corporate Social ResponsibilityChapter 4.1 - Ethics In Contemporary BusinessChapter 4.2 - Corporate Social ResponsibilityChapter 4.3 - Perspectives On Corporate Social ResponsibilityChapter 4.4 - Csr: The Natural EnvironmentChapter 4.5 - Csr: ConsumersChapter 4.6 - Csr: EmployeesChapter 5 - Forms Of OwnershipChapter 5.1 - Sole ProprietorshipsChapter 5.2 - PartnershipsChapter 5.3 - CorporationsChapter 5.4 - Corporate GovernanceChapter 5.5 - Mergers And AcquisitionsChapter 5.6 - Strategic Alliances And Joint VenturesChapter 6 - Entrepreneurship And Small-business OwnershipChapter 6.1 - The Big World Of Small BusinessChapter 6.2 - The Entrepreneurial SpiritChapter 6.3 - The Start-up Phase: Planning And Launching A new BusinessChapter 6.4 - The Growth Phase: Nurturing And Sustaining A Young BusinessChapter 6.5 - Financing Options For Small BusinessesChapter 6.6 - The Franchise AlternativeChapter 7 - Management Roles, Functions, And SkillsChapter 7.1 - The Roles Of ManagementChapter 7.2 - The Planning FunctionChapter 7.3 - The Organizing FunctionChapter 7.4 - The Leading FunctionChapter 7.5 - The Controlling FunctionChapter 7.6 - Essential Management SkillsChapter 8 - Organization And TeamworkChapter 8.1 - Designing An Effective Organization StructureChapter 8.2 - Organizing The WorkforceChapter 8.3 - Organizing In TeamsChapter 8.4 - Ensuring Team ProductivityChapter 8.5 - Fostering TeamworkChapter 8.6 - Managing An Unstructured OrganizationChapter 9 - Production SystemsChapter 9.1 - The Systems View Of BusinessChapter 9.2 - Value Chains And Value WebsChapter 9.3 - Supply Chain ManagementChapter 9.4 - Production And Operations ManagementChapter 9.5 - The Unique Challenges Of Service DeliveryChapter 9.6 - Product And Process QualityChapter 10 - Employee MotivationChapter 10.1 - What Motivates Employees To Peak Performance?Chapter 10.2 - Explaining Employee ChoicesChapter 10.3 - Motivating With Challenging GoalsChapter 10.4 - Redesigning Jobs To Stimulate PerformanceChapter 10.5 - Reinforcing High-performance BehaviorChapter 10.6 - Motivational StrategiesChapter 11 - Human Resources ManagementChapter 11.1 - Keeping Pace With Today’s WorkforceChapter 11.2 - Managing A Diverse WorkforceChapter 11.3 - Managing The Employment Life CycleChapter 11.4 - Developing And Evaluating EmployeesChapter 11.5 - Administering Employee CompensationChapter 11.6 - Employee Benefits And ServicesChapter 12 - Labor RelationsChapter 12.1 - The Role Of Labor UnionsChapter 12.2 - Unionization In Historical PerspectiveChapter 12.3 - The Organizing ProcessChapter 12.4 - The Collective Bargaining ProcessChapter 12.5 - Grievance, Discipline, And Arbitration ProceduresChapter 12.6 - The Future Of LaborChapter 13 - The Art And Science Of MarketingChapter 13.1 - Marketing In A Changing WorldChapter 13.2 - Challenges In Contemporary MarketingChapter 13.3 - Understanding Today’s CustomersChapter 13.4 - Identifying Market OpportunitiesChapter 13.5 - Crafting A Marketing StrategyChapter 13.6 - The Marketing MixChapter 14 - Product And Pricing StrategiesChapter 14.1 - Characteristics Of ProductsChapter 14.2 - The New-product Development ProcessChapter 14.3 - Product IdentitiesChapter 14.4 - Product-line And Product-mix StrategiesChapter 14.5 - Pricing StrategiesChapter 14.6 - Pricing MethodsChapter 15 - Distribution And Marketing LogisticsChapter 15.1 - The Role Of Marketing IntermediariesChapter 15.2 - Wholesaling And Industrial DistributionChapter 15.3 - RetailingChapter 15.4 - Distribution StrategiesChapter 15.5 - Considerations In Channel Design And ManagementChapter 15.6 - Physical Distribution And LogisticsChapter 16 - Customer CommunicationChapter 16.1 - Customer Communication: Challenges,strategies, And IssuesChapter 16.2 - AdvertisingChapter 16.3 - Direct MarketingChapter 16.4 - Personal SellingChapter 16.5 - Sales PromotionChapter 16.6 - Social Media And Public RelationsChapter 17 - Financial Information And Accounting ConceptsChapter 17.1 - Understanding AccountingChapter 17.2 - Major Accounting RulesChapter 17.3 - Fundamental Accounting ConceptsChapter 17.4 - Using Financial Statements: The Balance SheetChapter 17.5 - Using Financial Statements: Income And Cash Flow StatementsChapter 17.6 - Analyzing Financial StatementsChapter 18 - Financial ManagementChapter 18.1 - The Role Of Financial ManagementChapter 18.2 - The Budgeting ProcessChapter 18.3 - Financing Alternatives: Factors To ConsiderChapter 18.4 - Financing Alternatives: Short-term DebtChapter 18.5 - Financing Alternatives: Long-term DebtChapter 18.6 - Financing Alternatives: EquityChapter 19 - Financial Markets And Investment StrategiesChapter 19.1 - StocksChapter 19.2 - BondsChapter 19.3 - Mutual FundsChapter 19.4 - DerivativesChapter 19.5 - Financial MarketsChapter 19.6 - Investment Strategies And TechniquesChapter 20 - The Money Supply And Banking SystemsChapter 20.1 - The Money SupplyChapter 20.2 - The Federal Reserve And Other Federal Financial InstitutionsChapter 20.3 - Investment BankingChapter 20.4 - Commercial Banking And Other Financial ServicesChapter 20.5 - Banking’s Role In The Great RecessionChapter 20.6 - Efforts To Regulate And Reform The Banking IndustryChapter A - Business LawChapter B - Risk ManagementChapter C - Information TechnologyChapter D - Personal Finance: Getting Set For Life

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