Solutions for Applied Fluid Mechanics
Problem 9.1PP:
Compute points on the velocity profile from the pipe wall to the centerline of a 2 -in Schedule 40...Problem 9.2PP:
s9.2 Compute points on the velocity profile from the pipe wall to the centerline of a 3/4 -in Type K...Problem 9.3PP:
Compute points on the velocity profile from the tube wall to the centerline of a plastic pipe, 125...Problem 9.4PP:
Compute points on the velocity profile from the tube wall to the centerline of a standard hydraulic...Problem 9.5PP:
A small velocity probe is to be inserted through a pipe wall. If we measure from the outside of the...Problem 9.6PP:
If the accuracy of positioning the probe described in Problem9.5 is plus or minus 5.0 mm, compute...Problem 9.7PP:
An alternative scheme for using the velocity probe described in Problem 9.5is to place it in the...Problem 9.9PP:
For the flow of 12.9L/min of water at 75C in a plastic pipe, 16mmOD 1.5mm wall, compute the...Problem 9.10PP:
A large pipeline with a 1,200m inside diameter carries oil similar to SAE 10 at 40C ( sg=0.8 )....Problem 9.15PP:
Using Eq. (9-4), compute the ratio of the average velocity to the maximum velocity of flow for the...Problem 9.17PP:
Repeat Problem 9.16 for the same conditions, except that the inside of the pipe is roughened by age...Problem 9.19PP:
A shell-and-tube heat exchanger is made of two standard steel tubes, as shown in Fig. 9.1315. The...Problem 9.20PP:
Figure 9.14 shows a heat exchanger in which each of two DN 150 Schedule 40 pipes carries 450 L/min...Problem 9.21PP:
Figure 9.15 shows the cross section of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger. Compute the volume flow rate...Problem 9.22PP:
Air with a specific weight of 12.5N/m3 and a dynamic viscosity of 2.0 105 Pa s flows through the...Problem 9.23PP:
Carbon dioxide with a specific weight of 0.114lb/ft3 and a dynamic viscosity of 3.34x107lb s/ft2...Problem 9.24PP:
Water at 90F flows in the space between 6 in Schedule 40 steel pipe and a square duct with inside...Problem 9.25PP:
Refer to the shell-and-tube heat exchanger shown in Fig. 9.13. The outer tube has an OD of 7/8 in...Problem 9.26PP:
Refer to Fig. 9.14, which shows two DN 150 Schedule 40 pipes inside a rectangular duct. Each pipe...Problem 9.27PP:
Refer to Fig. 9.15, which shows three pipes inside a larger pipe. The inside pipes carry water at...Problem 9.28PP:
Water at 10C is flowing in the shell shown in Fig. 9.18 at the rate of 850L/min. The shell is a 50...Problem 9.29PP:
Figure 9.19 shows the cross section of a heat exchanger used to cool a bank of electronic devices....Problem 9.30PP:
Figure 9.20 shows a liquid-to-air heat exchanger in which air flows at 50m3 Zh inside a rectangular...Problem 9.31PP:
Glycerin ( sg=1.26 ) at 40C flows in the portion of the duct outside the square tubes shown in Fig....Problem 9.32PP:
Each of the square tubes shown in Fig. 9.21 carries 0.75m3/s of water at 90C. The thickness of the...Problem 9.33PP:
A heat sink for an electronic circuit is made by machining a pocket into a block of aluminum and...Problem 9.34PP:
Figure 9.23 shows the cross section of a cooling passage for an odd-shaped device Compute the volume...Problem 9.36PP:
The blade of a gas turbine engine contains internal cooling passages, as shown in Fig. 9.25 m/s. The...Problem 9.37PP:
For the system described in Problem 9.24. compute the pressure difference between two points 30.0ft...Problem 9.38PP:
For the shell-and-tube heat exchanger described in Problem 9.25 compute the pressure difference for...Problem 9.39PP:
For the system described in Problem 9.26 compute the pressure drop for both fluids between two...Problem 9.40PP:
For the system described in Problem 9.27 compute the pressure difference in both the small pipes and...Problem 9.41PP:
For the shell-and-tube heat exchanger described in Problem 9.28 compute the pressure drop for the...Problem 9.42PP:
For the heat exchanger described in Problem 9.29 compute the pressure drop for a length of 57in.Problem 9.43PP:
For the glycerin described in Problem 9.31 compute the pressure drop for a horizontal duct 22.6 m...Problem 9.44PP:
For the flow of water in the square tubes described in Problem 9.32 compute the pressure drop over a...Problem 9.45PP:
If the heat sink described in Problem 9.33 is 105 in long, compute the pressure drop for the water....Problem 9.46PP:
Compute the energy loss for the flow of water in the cooling passage described in Problem 9.34 if...Problem 9.47PP:
In Fig. 9.26 ethylene glycol ( sg=1.10 ) at 77F flows around the tubes and inside the rectangular...Problem 9.48PP:
Figure 9.27 shows a duct in which methyl alcohol at 25C flows at the rate of 3000L/min Compute the...Problem 9.50PP:
Figure 9.29 shows a system in which methyl alcohol at 77F flows outside the three tubes while ethyl...Problem 9.51PP:
A simple heat exchanger is made by welding one-half of a 1 -in drawn steel tube to a flat plate as...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - The Nature Of Fluids And The Study Of Fluid MechanicsChapter 2 - Viscosity Of FluidsChapter 3 - Pressure MeasurementChapter 4 - Forces Due To Static FluidsChapter 5 - Buoyancy And StabilityChapter 6 - Flow Of Fluids And Bernoulli’s EquationChapter 7 - General Energy EquationChapter 8 - Reynolds Number, Laminar Flow, Turbulent Flow, And Energy Losses Due To FrictionChapter 9 - Velocity Profiles For Circular Sections And Flow In Noncircular SectionsChapter 10 - Minor Losses
Chapter 11 - Series Pipeline SystemsChapter 12 - Parallel And Branching Pipeline SystemsChapter 13 - Pump Selection And ApplicationChapter 14 - Open-channel FlowChapter 15 - Flow MeasurementChapter 16 - Forces Due To Fluids In MotionChapter 17 - Drag And LiftChapter 18 - Fans, Blowers, Compressors, And The Flow Of GasesChapter 19 - Flow Of Air In Ducts
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Pearson eText Applied Fluid Mechanics -- Instant Access (Pearson+)
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