Solutions for Applied Fluid Mechanics
Problem 5.1PP:
The instrument package shown in Fig. 5.18 weighs 258 N. Calculate the tension in the cable if the...Problem 5.2PP:
A 1.0 -m-diameter hollow sphere weighing 200 N is attached to a solid concrete block weighing 1.0...Problem 5.3PP:
A certain standard steel pipe has an outside diameter of 168 mm, and aim length of the pipe weighs...Problem 5.4PP:
A cylindrical float has a 10 -in diameter and is 12 in long. What should be the specific weight of...Problem 5.5PP:
A buoy is a solid cylinder 0.3 m in diameter and 1.2 m long It is made of a material with a specific...Problem 5.6PP:
A float to be used as a level indicator is being designed to float in oil, which has a specific...Problem 5.7PP:
A concrete block with a specific weight of 23.6kN/m3 is suspended by a rope in a solution with a...Problem 5.8PP:
Figure 5.19shows a pump partially submerged in oil (sg 50.90 ) and supported by springs. If the...Problem 5.9PP:
A steel cube 100mm on a side weighs 80N. We want to hold the cube in equilibrium under water by...Problem 5.10PP:
A cylindrical drum is 2 ft in diameter, 3 ft long, and weighs 30 lb when empty. Aluminum weights are...Problem 5.11PP:
If the aluminum weights described in Problem 5.10 are placed outside the drum, what volume will be...Problem 5.12PP:
Figure 5.20 shows a cube floating in a fluid. Derive an expression relating the submerged depth X,...Problem 5.13PP:
A hydrometer is a device for indicating the specific gravity of liquids. Figure 5.21 shows the...Problem 5.14PP:
For the hydrometer designed in Problem 5.13 what will be the specific gravity of the fluid in which...Problem 5.15PP:
For the hydrometer designed in Problem 5.13 , what will be the specific gravity of the fluid in...Problem 5.16PP:
A buoy is to support a cone-shaped instrument package, as shown in Fig. 5.22. The buoy is made from...Problem 5.17PP:
A cube has side dimensions of 18.00 in. It is made of steel having a specific weight of 491lb/ft3....Problem 5.18PP:
A cube has side dimensions of 18.00 in. It is made of steel having a specific weight of 491Ib/ft3....Problem 5.19PP:
A ship has a mass of 292 Mg. Compute the volume of seawater it will displace when floating.Problem 5.20PP:
An iceberg has a specific weight of 8.72kN/m3. What portion of its volume is above the surface when...Problem 5.21PP:
A cylindrical log has a diameter of 450 mm and a length of 6.75 m. When the log is floating in fresh...Problem 5.22PP:
The cylinder shown in Fig. 5.23 is made from a uniform material. What is its specific weight?Problem 5.23PP:
If the cylinder from Problem 5.22 is placed in fresh water at 958 C, how much of its height would be...Problem 5.24PP:
A brass weight is to be attached to the bottom of the cylinder described in Problems 5.22 and 5.23...Problem 5.25PP:
For the cylinder with the added brass (described in Problem 5.24 ), what will happen if the water...Problem 5.26PP:
For the composite cylinder shown in Fig. 5.25 what thickness of brass is required to cause the...Problem 5.27PP:
A vessel for a special experiment has a hollow cylinder for its upper part and a solid hemisphere...Problem 5.28PP:
A light foam cup similar to a disposable coffee cup has a weight of 0.05 N, a uniform diameter of...Problem 5.29PP:
A light foam cup similar to a disposable coffee cup has a weight of 0.05 N. A steel bar is placed...Problem 5.30PP:
Repeat Problem 5.29, but consider that the steel bar is fastened outside the bottom of the cup...Problem 5.31PP:
Figure 5.27 shows a raft made of four hollow drums supporting a platform. Each drum weighs 30 lb....Problem 5.32PP:
Figure 5.28 shows the construction of the platform for the raft described in Problem 5.31. Compute...Problem 5.33PP:
For the raft shown in Fig. 5.27, how much of the drums will be submerged when only the platform is...Problem 5.34PP:
For the raft and platform shown in Figs. 5.27 and 5.28 and described in Problems 5.31 and 5.32, what...Problem 5.35PP:
A float in an ocean harbor is made from a uniform foam having a specific weight of 12.00lb/ft3. It...Problem 5.36PP:
Describe how the situation described in Problem 5.35 will change if the water level rises by 18 in...Problem 5.37PP:
A cube 6.00 in on a side is made from aluminum having a specific weight of 0.100lb/in3. If the cube...Problem 5.39PP:
A cylindrical block of wood is 1.00 m in diameter and 1.00 m long and has a specific weight of...Problem 5.40PP:
A container for an emergency beacon is a rectangular shape 30.0 in wide, 40.0 in long, and 22.0 in...Problem 5.41PP:
The large platform shown in Fig. 5.29 carries equipment and supplies to offshore installations. The...Problem 5.42PP:
Will the cylindrical float described in Problem 5.4 be stable if placed in the fluid with its axis...Problem 5.43PP:
Will the buoy described in Problem 5.5 be stable if placed in the water with its axis vertical?Problem 5.44PP:
Will the float described in Problem 5.6 be stable if placed in the oil with its top surface...Problem 5.45PP:
A closed, hollow, empty drum has a diameter of 24.0 in, a length of 48.0 in, and a weight of 70.0...Problem 5.46PP:
Figure 5.30 shows a river scow used to carry bulk materials. Assume that the scow's center of...Problem 5.48PP:
For the vessel shown in Fig. 5.26and described in Problem 5.27. assume that it floats with just the...Problem 5.49PP:
For the foam cup described in Problem 5.28, will it float stably if placed in the water with its...Problem 5.50PP:
Referring to Problem 5.29, assume that the steel bar is placed inside the cup with its long axis...Problem 5.51PP:
Referring to Problem 5.30, assume that the steel bar is fastened to the bottom of the cup with the...Problem 5.53PP:
Will the cylinder together with the brass plate shown in Fig. 5.25 and described in Problem 5.26 be...Problem 5.54PP:
A proposed design for a part of a seawall consists of a rectangular solid weighing 3840 lb with...Problem 5.55PP:
A platform is being designed to support some water pollution testing equipment. As shown in Fig....Problem 5.57PP:
A barge is 60 ft long, 20 ft wide, and 8 ft deep. When empty, it weighs 210000 lb, and its center of...Problem 5.58PP:
If the barge in Problem 5.57 is loaded with 240000 lb of loose coal having an average density of...Problem 5.59PP:
A piece of cork having a specific weight of 2.36kN/m3 is shaped as shown in Fig. 5.32 (a) To what...Problem 5.60PP:
Figure 5.20 shows a cube floating in a fluid, (a) Derive an expression for the depth of submergence...Problem 5.61PP:
A boat is shown in Fig. 5.33(a). Its geometry at the water line is the same as the top surface. The...Problem 5.62PP:
(a) If the cone shown in Fig. 5.34 is made of pine wood with a specific weight of 30lb/ft3, will it...Problem 5.63PP:
Refer to Fig. 5.35. The vessel shown is to be used for a special experiment in which it will float...Problem 5.65PP:
Wetsuits are prohibited in some triathlons due to the added buoyancy they provide the swimmer,...Problem 5.66PP:
A cylinder that is 500 mm in diameter and 2.0 m long has a specific weight of 535N/m3. It is held...Problem 5.67PP:
The diving bell shown in Fig. 5.2 weighs 72 kN and has a volume of 6.5m3. Find the tension in the...Problem 5.69PP:
A scuba diver with wet suit, tank, and gear has a mass of 78 kg. The diver and gear displace a total...Problem 5.71PP:
Does steel float? It has a specific gravity of 7.85, so certainly not in water, but look through the...Problem 5.73PP:
An undersea camera (Figure 5.36 ) is to hang from a float in the ocean, allowing it to take constant...Problem 5.74PP:
Work Problem 5.73 again, but this time the camera is to sit atop the float, out of the water. What...Problem 1SEP:
Write a program for evaluating the stability of a circular cylinder placed in a fluid with its axis...Problem 2SEP:
For any cylinder of a uniform density floating in any fluid and containing a specified volume, vary...Problem 3SEP:
For the results found in Project 2, compute the metacentric height (as described in Section 5.6 )....Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - The Nature Of Fluids And The Study Of Fluid MechanicsChapter 2 - Viscosity Of FluidsChapter 3 - Pressure MeasurementChapter 4 - Forces Due To Static FluidsChapter 5 - Buoyancy And StabilityChapter 6 - Flow Of Fluids And Bernoulli’s EquationChapter 7 - General Energy EquationChapter 8 - Reynolds Number, Laminar Flow, Turbulent Flow, And Energy Losses Due To FrictionChapter 9 - Velocity Profiles For Circular Sections And Flow In Noncircular SectionsChapter 10 - Minor Losses
Chapter 11 - Series Pipeline SystemsChapter 12 - Parallel And Branching Pipeline SystemsChapter 13 - Pump Selection And ApplicationChapter 14 - Open-channel FlowChapter 15 - Flow MeasurementChapter 16 - Forces Due To Fluids In MotionChapter 17 - Drag And LiftChapter 18 - Fans, Blowers, Compressors, And The Flow Of GasesChapter 19 - Flow Of Air In Ducts
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Pearson eText Applied Fluid Mechanics -- Instant Access (Pearson+)
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Applied Fluid Mechanics: Global Edition
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Applied Fluid Mechanics (7th Edition)
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Student Solutions Manual To Accompany: Applied Fluid Mechanics 6th Ed
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Applied Fluid Mechanics
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