Solutions for Applied Fluid Mechanics
Problem 11.1PP:
Water at 10C flows from a large reservoir at the rate of 1.5102m3/s through the system shown in Fig....Problem 11.2PP:
For the system shown in Fig. 11.14, kerosene ( sg=0.82 ) at 20C is to be forced from tank A to...Problem 11.3PP:
Figure 11.15 shows a portion of a hydraulic circuit. The pressure at point B must be 200 psig when...Problem 11.4PP:
Figure 11.16 shows part of a large hydraulic system in which the pressure at B must be 500 psig...Problem 11.5PP:
Oil is flowing at the rate of 0.015m3/s in the system shown in Fig. 11.17. Data for the system are...Problem 11.6PP:
For the system shown in Fig. 11.18, calculate the vertical distance between the surfaces of the two...Problem 11.7PP:
A liquid refrigerant flows through the system, shown in Fig. 11.1, at the rate of 1.70L/min. The...Problem 11.8PP:
Water at 100F is flowing in a 4-in Schedule 80 steel pipe that is 25 ft long. Calculate the maximum...Problem 11.9PP:
A hydraulic oil is flowing in a drawn steel hydraulic tube with an OD of 50 mm and a wall thickness...Problem 11.10PP:
In a processing plant, ethylene glycol at 77F is flowing in a 6-in coated ductile iron pipe having a...Problem 11.11PP:
Water at 15C is flowing downward in a vertical tube 7.5m long. The pressure is 550kPa at the top and...Problem 11.12PP:
Turpentine at 77F is flowing from A to B in a 3 -in coated ductile iron pipe. Point B is 20ft higher...Problem 11.13PP:
]11.13 A device designed to allow cleaning of walls and windows on the second floor of homes is...Problem 11.14PP:
Kerosene at 25C is flowing in the system shown in Fig. 11.21. The total length of 50 mm OD x 1.5 mm...Problem 11.15PP:
Water at 40C is flowing from A to B through the system shown in Fig. 11.22. Determine the volume...Problem 11.16PP:
Oil with a specific gravity of 0.93 and a dynamic viscosity of 9.5103Pas is flowing into the open...Problem 11.17PP:
Determine the required size of new Schedule 80 steel pipe to carry water at 160F with a maximum...Problem 11.18PP:
What size of standard hydraulic copper tube from Appendix G.2 is required to transfer 0.06m3/s of...Problem 11.19PP:
Water at 60F is to flow by gravity between two points, 2mi apart, at the rate of 13500gal/min. The...Problem 11.20PP:
The tank shown in Fig. 11.24 is to be drained to a sewer. Determine the size of new Schedule 40...Problem 11.21PP:
Figure 11.25 depicts gasoline flowing from a storage tank into a truck for transport. The gasoline...Problem 11.22PP:
For the system in Fig. 11.26, compute the pressure at the inlet to the pump. The filter has a...Problem 11.23PP:
For the system in Fig. 11.26, compute the total head on the pump and the power delivered by the pump...Problem 11.24PP:
For the system in Fig. 11.26 specify the size of Schedule 40 steel pipe required to return the fluid...Problem 11.25PP:
A manufacturer of spray nozzles specifies that the maximum pressure drop in the pipe feeding a...Problem 11.26PP:
Specify the size of new Schedule 40 steel pipe required to carry gasoline at 77F through 120 ft of...Problem 11.27PP:
Refer to Fig. 11.27. Water at 80C is being pumped from the tank at the rate of 475 L/min. Compute...Problem 11.28PP:
For the system shown in Fig. 11.27 and analyzed in Problem 11.27, it is desirable to change the...Problem 11.29PP:
In a water pollution control project, the polluted water is pumped vertically upward 80 ft and then...Problem 11.30PP:
Repeat Problem 11.29, but use a 3-in Schedule 40 steel pipe for the discharge line instead of the...Problem 11.31PP:
Water at 10C is being delivered to a tank on the roof of a building, as shown in Fig 11.29. The...Problem 11.32PP:
If the pressure at point A in Fig. 11.29 is 300 kPa, compute the volume flow rate of water at 10C...Problem 11.33PP:
Change the design of the system in Fig. 11.29 to replace the globe valve with a fully open gate...Problem 11.34PP:
It is desired to deliver 250 gal/min of ethyl alcohol at 77 F from tank A to tank B in the system...Problem 11.35PP:
For the system shown in Fig. 11.30, compute the volume flow rate of ethyl alcohol at 77 F that would...Problem 11.36PP:
Repeat Problem 11.35, but consider the valve to be fully open.Problem 11.37PP:
Repeat Problem 11.35, but consider the valve to be fully open and the elbows to be the long-radius...Problem 11.38PP:
Figure 11.31 depicts a DN 100 Schedule 40 steel pipe delivering water at 15 C from a main line to a...Problem 11.39PP:
Repeat Problem 11.38 but replace the globe valve with a fully open butterfly valve.Problem 11.40PP:
Repeat Problem 11.38 but use a DN 125 Schedule 40 pipe.Problem 11.41PP:
Repeat Problem 11.38, but replace the globe valve with a butterfly valve and use a DN 125 Schedule...Problem 11.42PP:
It is desired to drive a small, positive-displacement pump by chucking a household electric drill to...Problem 11.43PP:
Figure 11.32 shows a pipe delivering water to the putting green on a golf course. The pressure in...Problem 11.44PP:
Repeat Problem 11.43, except consider that there will be the following elements added to the system:...Problem 11.45PP:
A sump pump in a commercial building sits in a sump at an elevation of 150.4 ft. The pump delivers...Problem 11.47PP:
Figure 11.33 shows a part of a chemical processing system in which propyl alcohol at 25 C is taken...Problem 11.48PP:
For the system described in Problem 11.47, and using the tube size found in that problem, compute...Problem 11.49PP:
For the system described in Problem 11.47, and using the tube size found in that problem, compute...Problem 11.50PP:
For the system described in Problem 11.47, and using the tube size found in that problem, compute...Problem 11.51PP:
Analyze the system shown in Fig. 11.11 with kerosene at 20 C as the working fluid. Use PIPE-FLO...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - The Nature Of Fluids And The Study Of Fluid MechanicsChapter 2 - Viscosity Of FluidsChapter 3 - Pressure MeasurementChapter 4 - Forces Due To Static FluidsChapter 5 - Buoyancy And StabilityChapter 6 - Flow Of Fluids And Bernoulli’s EquationChapter 7 - General Energy EquationChapter 8 - Reynolds Number, Laminar Flow, Turbulent Flow, And Energy Losses Due To FrictionChapter 9 - Velocity Profiles For Circular Sections And Flow In Noncircular SectionsChapter 10 - Minor Losses
Chapter 11 - Series Pipeline SystemsChapter 12 - Parallel And Branching Pipeline SystemsChapter 13 - Pump Selection And ApplicationChapter 14 - Open-channel FlowChapter 15 - Flow MeasurementChapter 16 - Forces Due To Fluids In MotionChapter 17 - Drag And LiftChapter 18 - Fans, Blowers, Compressors, And The Flow Of GasesChapter 19 - Flow Of Air In Ducts
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Pearson eText Applied Fluid Mechanics -- Instant Access (Pearson+)
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