Solutions for Applied Fluid Mechanics
Problem 10.1PP:
Determine the energy loss due to a sudden enlargement from a 50 mm ODx2.4 mm wall plastic pipe to a...Problem 10.2PP:
Determine the energy loss due to a sudden enlargement from a standard DN 25 Schedule 80 steel pipe...Problem 10.3PP:
Determine the energy loss due to a sudden enlargement from a standard 1 -in Schedule 80 pipe to a 3...Problem 10.4PP:
Determine the pressure difference between two points on either side of a sudden enlargement from a...Problem 10.5PP:
Determine the pressure difference for the conditions in Problem 10.4i5 if the enlargement is gradual...Problem 10.6PP:
Determine the energy loss due to a gradual enlargement from a 25 mm ODx2.0 mm wall copper hydraulic...Problem 10.7PP:
Determine the energy loss for the conditions in Problem 10.6if the cone angle is increased to 60.Problem 10.8PP:
Compute the energy loss for gradual enlargements with cone angles from 2 to 60 in the increments...Problem 10.10PP:
For the data in Problem 10.8, compute the length required to achieve the enlargement for each cone...Problem 10.11PP:
Add the energy loss due to friction from Problem 10.10 to the energy loss for the enlargement from...Problem 10.12PP:
Another term for an enlargement is a diffuser. A diffuser is used to convert kinetic energy (v2/2g)...Problem 10.13PP:
Compute the resulting pressure after a "real" diffuser in which the energy loss due to the...Problem 10.14PP:
Compute the resulting pressure after a "real" diffuser in which the energy loss due to the...Problem 10.15PP:
Determine the energy loss when 0.04m3/s of water flows from a DN 150 standard Schedule 40 pipe into...Problem 10.16PP:
Determine the energy loss when 1.50ft3/s of water flows from a 6-in standard Schedule 40 pipe into a...Problem 10.17PP:
Determine the energy loss when oil with a specific gravity of 0.87 flows from a 4 -in pipe to a 2...Problem 10.18PP:
For the conditions in Problem 10.17, if the pressure before the contraction was 80 psig, calculate...Problem 10.19PP:
True or false: For a sudden contraction with a diameter ratio of 3.0, the energy loss decreases as...Problem 10.20PP:
Determine the energy loss for a sudden contraction from a DN 125 Schedule 80 steel pipe to a DN 50...Problem 10.21PP:
Determine the energy loss for a gradual contraction from a DN 125 Schedule 80 steel pipe to a DN 50...Problem 10.22PP:
Determine the energy lass for a sudden contraction from a 4 -in Schedule 80 steel pipe to a 114...Problem 10.23PP:
Determine the energy loss for a gradual contraction from a 4 -in Schedule 80 steel pipe to a 1 12...Problem 10.24PP:
For the data in Problem 10.22, compute the energy loss for gradual contractions with each of the...Problem 10.25PP:
For each contraction described in Problems 10.22 and 10.24 make a scale drawing of the device to...Problem 10.26PP:
Note in Figs. 10.10 and 10.11 that the minimum energy loss for a gradual contraction ( K=0.04...Problem 10.27PP:
If the contraction from a 6-in to a 3-in ductile iron pipe described in Problem 10.26 was made with...Problem 10.28PP:
Compute the energy loss that would occur as 50 gal/min of water flows from a tank into a steel tube...Problem 10.29PP:
Determine the energy loss that will occur if water flows from a reservoir into a pipe with a...Problem 10.30PP:
Determine the equivalent length in meters of pipe of a fully open globe valve placed in a DN 250...Problem 10.31PP:
Repeat Problem 10.30 for a fully open gate valve.Problem 10.32PP:
Calculate the resistance coefficient K for a ball-type check valve placed in a 2 -in Schedule 40...Problem 10.33PP:
Calculate the pressure difference across a fully open angle valve placed in a 5 -in Schedule 40...Problem 10.34PP:
Determine the pressure drop across a 90 C standard elbow in a DN 65 Schedule 40 steel pipe if water...Problem 10.36PP:
Repeat Problem 10.34 for a long radius elbow. Compare the results from Problems 10.34-10.36.Problem 10.37PP:
A simple heat exchanger is made by installing a close return bend on two 14 -in Schedule 40 steel...Problem 10.38PP:
A proposed alternate form for the heat exchanger described in Problem 10.37 is shown in Fig. 10.33...Problem 10.39PP:
A piping system for a pump contains a tee, as shown in Fig. 10.34, to permit the pressure at the...Problem 10.40PP:
A piping system for supplying heavy fuel oil at 25 C is arranged as shown in Fig. 10.35 The bottom...Problem 10.41PP:
A 25 mm ODx2.0 mm wall copper tube supplies hot water ( 80 C) to a washing system in a factory at a...Problem 10.42PP:
Specify the radius in mm to the centerline of a 90 bend in a 25 mm ODx2.0 mm wall copper tube to...Problem 10.43PP:
The inlet and the outlet shown in Fig. 10.36 are to be connected with a 50 mm OD2.0 mm wall copper...Problem 10.44PP:
Compare the energy losses for the two proposals from Problem 10.43 with the energy loss for the...Problem 10.45PP:
Determine the energy loss that occurs as 40 L/min of water at 10 C flows around a 90 bend in a...Problem 10.46PP:
Figure 10.38 shows a test setup for determining the energy loss due to a heat exchanger. Water at 50...Problem 10.47PP:
Compute the energy loss in a 90 bend in a steel tube used for a fluid power system. The tube has a...Problem 10.48PP:
Compute the energy loss in a 90 bend in a steel tube used for a fluid power system. The tube has a 1...Problem 10.49PP:
For the data in Problem 10.47, compute the resistance factor and the energy loss for a coil of the...Problem 10.50PP:
For the data in Problem 10.48, compute the resistance factor and the energy loss fora coil of the...Problem 10.51PP:
A tube similar to that in Problem 10.47 is being routed through a complex machine. At one point, the...Problem 10.56PP:
Repeat Problem 10.55 for flow rates of 7.5 gal/min and 10.0 gal/min.Problem 10.61PP:
A 34 plastic ball valve carries 15 gal/min of water at 80 F. Compute the expected pressure drop...Problem 10.62PP:
A 114 plastic butterfly valve carries 60 gal/min of carbon tetrachloride at 77 F. Compute the...Problem 10.63PP:
A 3 -in plastic butterfly valve carries 300 gal/min of gasoline at 77 F. Compute the expected...Problem 10.64PP:
A 10-in plastic butterfly valve carries 5000 gal/min of liquid propane at 77 F. Compute the expected...Problem 10.65PP:
A 1 12 plastic diaphragm valve carries 60 gal/min of carbon tetrachloride at 77 F. Compute the...Problem 10.70PP:
An 8 -in plastic swing check valve carries 3500 gal/min of glycerin at 77 F. Compute the expected...Browse All Chapters of This Textbook
Chapter 1 - The Nature Of Fluids And The Study Of Fluid MechanicsChapter 2 - Viscosity Of FluidsChapter 3 - Pressure MeasurementChapter 4 - Forces Due To Static FluidsChapter 5 - Buoyancy And StabilityChapter 6 - Flow Of Fluids And Bernoulli’s EquationChapter 7 - General Energy EquationChapter 8 - Reynolds Number, Laminar Flow, Turbulent Flow, And Energy Losses Due To FrictionChapter 9 - Velocity Profiles For Circular Sections And Flow In Noncircular SectionsChapter 10 - Minor Losses
Chapter 11 - Series Pipeline SystemsChapter 12 - Parallel And Branching Pipeline SystemsChapter 13 - Pump Selection And ApplicationChapter 14 - Open-channel FlowChapter 15 - Flow MeasurementChapter 16 - Forces Due To Fluids In MotionChapter 17 - Drag And LiftChapter 18 - Fans, Blowers, Compressors, And The Flow Of GasesChapter 19 - Flow Of Air In Ducts
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Pearson eText Applied Fluid Mechanics -- Instant Access (Pearson+)
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Applied Fluid Mechanics: Global Edition
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