An Introduction to Thermal Physics - 1st Edition - by Daniel V. Schroeder - ISBN 9780201380279

An Introduction to Thermal Physics
1st Edition
Daniel V. Schroeder
Publisher: Addison Wesley
ISBN: 9780201380279

Solutions for An Introduction to Thermal Physics

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Chapter 2.4 - Large SystemsChapter 2.5 - The Ideal GasChapter 2.6 - EntropyChapter 3.1 - TemperatureChapter 3.2 - Entropy And HeatChapter 3.3 - ParamagnetismChapter 3.4 - Mechanical Equilibrium And PressureChapter 3.5 - Diffusive Equilibrium And Chemical PotentialChapter 3.6 - Summary And A Look AheadChapter 4.1 - Heat EnginesChapter 4.2 - RefrigeratorsChapter 4.3 - Real Heat EnginesChapter 4.4 - Real RefrigeratorsChapter 5.1 - Free Energy As Available WorkChapter 5.2 - Free Energy As A Force Toward EquilibriumChapter 5.3 - Phase Transformations Of Pure SubstancesChapter 5.4 - Phase Tranformations Of MixturesChapter 5.5 - Dilute SolutionsChapter 5.6 - Chemical EquilibriumChapter 6.1 - The Boltzmann FactorChapter 6.2 - Average ValuesChapter 6.3 - The Equipartition TheoremChapter 6.4 - The Maxwell Speed DistributionChapter 6.5 - Partition Functions And Free EnergyChapter 6.6 - Partition Functions For Composite SystemsChapter 6.7 - Ideal Gas RevisitedChapter 7.1 - The Gibbs FactorChapter 7.2 - Bosons And FermionsChapter 7.3 - Degenerate Fermi GasesChapter 7.4 - Blackbody RadiationChapter 7.5 - Debye Theory Of SolidsChapter 7.6 - Bose-einstein CondensationChapter 8.1 - Weakly Interacting GasesChapter 8.2 - The Ising Model Of A FerromagnetChapter A.1 - Evidence For Wave-particle DualityChapter A.2 - WavefunctionsChapter A.3 - Definite-energy WavefunctionsChapter A.4 - Angular MomentumChapter A.6 - Quantum Field TheoryChapter B.1 - Gaussian IntegralsChapter B.2 - The Gamma FunctionChapter B.3 - Stirling's ApproximationChapter B.4 - Area Of A D-dimensional HypersphereChapter B.5 - Integrals Of Quantum Statistics

Book Details


1. Energy in Thermal Physics.
2. The Second Law.
3. Interactions and Implications.


4. Engines and Refrigerators.
5. Free Energy and Chemical Thermodynamics.


6. Boltzmann Statistics.
7. Quantum Statistics.
8. Systems of Interacting Particles.

Appendix A. Elements of Quantum Mechanics.
Appendix B. Mathematical Results.
Reference Data.
Suggested Reading.

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